7.3 C
Πέμπτη, 6 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

South China Sea: Chinese forces disrupt Philippines survey operations in disputed waters

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The Philippines has halted a scientific survey in the South China Sea after its fishing boats faced aggressive actions by the Chinese coast guard and naval forces, according to Al Jazeera.

The Philippine Coast Guard reported that on Friday, three Chinese coast guard vessels and four smaller boats performed dangerous maneuvers near two inflatable boats operated by the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries. These boats were en route to collect sand samples from Sandy Cay, located near the Philippine-occupied Thitu Island.

Additionally, a Chinese navy helicopter flew at an unsafe altitude over the boats, Al Jazeera reported. The incident underscores ongoing tensions between the Philippines and China over the South China Sea, a vital region where $3 trillion in annual trade passes. China claims nearly the entire sea, despite competing claims from the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. In 2016, the Philippines won a ruling from the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague, which invalidated China’s territorial claims in the region. However, Beijing has refused to acknowledge this ruling, as reported by Al Jazeera.

In response to what it described as “dangerous harassment” and unsafe behavior by Chinese forces, the Philippine Coast Guard suspended the survey. Despite the tense situation, no accidents were reported. China, for its part, claimed “indisputable sovereignty” over the Spratly Islands, including Sandy Cay, which it refers to as Tiexian Reef. Beijing stated that it intercepted the Philippine vessels for entering waters near Tiexian Reef without permission and accused them of attempting to illegally land on the reef, according to Al Jazeera.

The incident coincided with Philippine forces resupplying and rotating troops stationed on the grounded BRP Sierra Madre vessel at the Second Thomas Shoal, an area claimed by both nations. The Philippines has accused China of using its patrols in the region to intimidate Filipino fishermen.

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