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Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

The axis of evil-Pakistan’s army chief meets Turkey’s civil, military leaders to discuss defense collaboration

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Turkey and Pakistan are getting closer. Greece should be on constant alert, as Turkey & Pakistan, with the “weapon” of immigrants, will try to destabilize our country.

Turkey and Pakistan have developed special relations at the military level, with Pakistani special forces participating in exercises in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean!

Pakistani fighter jets are also participating in the International air exercise “EAGLE OF EASTERN” where they train together with the Turkish Air Force.

Finally, Pakistan is a nuclear power and it is known that Erdogan wants to make Turkey a nuclear power as well.

All this, at the moment when, a few days ago, the Indian Prime Minister visited our country.

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The new development

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir on Wednesday appreciated Turkish military’s efforts for maintaining peace and stability in the region and also praised the standards of operational readiness of Turkish armed forces, the military said in a statement.

He expressed these remarks during an official visit to the Republic of Turkiye. The visit is part of the high-level mutual visits by both the brotherly countries to enhance the historic diplomatic and military ties.

According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), during the visit, the army chief called on the President of the Republic of Turkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, foreign and defence ministers, the Commander of Turkish General Staff, and commanders of Turkish land and air forces.

During the meetings, it added, the COAS emphasised on enhancing defence collaboration and training cooperation. He appreciated Turkish military’s efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region and also praised the standards of operational readiness of Turkish armed forces.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir’s visit is part of the high-level mutual visits by both the brotherly countries to enhance the historic diplomatic and military ties. PHOTO: ISPR

The ISPR said that the Turkish leaders acknowledged the efforts extended by Pakistan Army engineers, who worked along NDMA teams during the unfortunate earthquake that hit Turkiye in February.

General Munir also visited the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Ankara to pay homage to the great leader and laid floral wreath in his honour.

He later visited the Turkish land forces headquarters, where on his arrival he was given a warm welcome and was presented with the guard of honour.

The army chief was also conferred with the Legion of Merit by the Minister of Defence and Commander of Turkish land forces in recognition of his services towards promoting defence relations between the two countries.

“Pakistan and Turkiye have strong brotherly relations which have always stood the test of times,” the COAS highlighted during the ceremony.

General Munir said that the Pakistan army is always willing to extend full support to the Turkish land forces in multiple domains.

“Pakistan has always stood with their Turkish brothers in times of calamity and moments of triumph and shall continue to strengthen the fraternal ties amongst the two nations,” he further said.

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