16.6 C
Δευτέρα, 21 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Nearly 400,000 Afghan Refugees Expelled from Pakistan in Past 2 Months

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The consulate of the Islamic Emirate in Karachi, Pakistan, Abdul Jabar Takhari, said that the detention of Afghan refugees in Pakistan is still happening at a high rate and that nearly 400,000 refugees have returned home in the past two months.

He said that nearly 1,000 Afghan refugees are currently in detention.

“Since Pakistan started the deportation of the Afghan refugees in October, nearly 400,000 Afghan refugees have returned to the country. In addition to that, we have talked with the Pakistani officials about the release of the Afghan refugees being detained in Pakistan,” Takhari said.

The Afghan nationals who are detained in Pakistan voiced concerns about their situation, saying that they are struggling with severe challenges.

“It has been four months since I was detained here in Pakistan. I brought my father for treatment to the doctor, my father is now in the hospital, but I am in the prison,” said Hamidullah, an Afghan refugee.

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“I have been in prison in Pakistan for the past two months and I am in prison without committing any crime,” said Abdullah, an Afghan refugee.

The head of the Afghan refugees’ council, Mir Ahmad Raufi, said that the Pakistani police have been conducting crackdowns to arrest the undocumented Afghan nationals.

“The Afghan refugees are facing pressure from the Pakistan police and there is no difference between legal and illegal refugees—both are being detained,” he said.

The Islamic Emirate has erected a camp for the deportees who return to Afghanistan through Torkham crossing.

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