29.5 C
Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου, 2024

Zelenskyy Says ‘Will Not Conduct Negotiations With Vladimir Putin’ in Response to PM Narendra Modi’s Call for Peace

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s calls for peace, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday said that Kyiv will not conduct negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

PM Modi earlier held a phone call with Zelenskyy and said that the endangerment of nuclear facilities amid the Russia-Ukraine war could lead to catastrophic consequences for the environment.

During the phone call, the Prime Minister expressed his firm conviction that there can be no military solution to the conflict and conveyed India’s readiness to contribute to any peace efforts. He again called for the cessation of hostilities and the need to pursue the path of diplomacy.

Reacting to the referendum in four Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine – Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, Zelenskyy noted that all the aggressor’s decisions aimed at attempting illegal annexation of Ukrainian territories are null and void and do not change reality.

Zelenskyy emphasized that under such conditions, Ukraine will not conduct any negotiations with the current President of the Russian Federation, and noted that our state has always been committed to a peaceful settlement through dialogue, said Zelenskyy readout.

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“However, Russia did not stand for dialogue and put forward ultimate instead deliberately undermining this process. During my speech at the session of the UN General Assembly, I outlined our clear formula for peace. We are ready to work together with our partners to achieve it,” added the President of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Zelenskyy thanked PM Modi for India’s support of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and also emphasized the importance of the Indian leader’s recent statement that now is not the time for war.

During the conversation, the Ukrainian President emphasized the importance of strengthening the Ukrainian-Indian partnership against the backdrop of Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Zelenskyy also noted the significant humanitarian aid provided by the government and the private sector of the Republic of India to Ukraine, added the readout.

Both leaders separately discussed the issue of global food security. Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine is ready to continue acting as a guarantor of the world’s food security. In this regard, the support of the entire international community, in particular India, for further implementing the grain initiative is important.

The interlocutors paid due attention to the issue of nuclear safety.

“Nuclear blackmail by Russia, particularly regarding the Zaporizhzhia NPP, is a threat not only to Ukraine but also to the whole world,” Zelenskyy said.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reiterated its deep concern about landmine explosions close to Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). IAEA is also continuing its consultations and other efforts to agree on and implement a nuclear safety and security zone around the ZNPP as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister’s Office said Prime Minister Modi reiterated the importance of respecting the UN Charter, International Law, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.

“Prime Minister emphasized the importance India attaches to the safety and security of nuclear installations, including in Ukraine. He underlined that endangerment of nuclear facilities could have far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for public health and the environment,” the statement said.

Separately, Zelenskyy and Modi discussed cooperation within international organizations, primarily the UN.

During the conversation, the parties noted mutual interest in deepening regular full-scale Ukrainian-Indian contacts, as well as the implementation of tasks on the agenda of bilateral relations of comprehensive partnership.

Further, Zelenskyy invited PM Modi to visit Ukraine.

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