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Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου, 2024

US Expresses ‘Serious Concerns’ About China Move Against Micron

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The US has “serious concerns” about China’s move to restrict sales of Micron Technology Inc. products in the country, and is engaging with the nation’s government to make its views clear, the State Department said.

The action against Micron is inconsistent with China’s assertion “that it is open for business and committed to a transparent regulatory framework,” spokesman Matthew Miller said in a briefing Monday.

The Commerce Department, which issued a similar statement on Sunday evening, is communicating directly with the Chinese government, Miller said. 

Read more: Micron Tumbles as China Says Chips Are Security Risk

China’s cyberspace regulator concluded that Micron poses “relatively serious” cybersecurity risks based on a review of products sold in the country according to a statement Sunday. The components caused “significant security risks to our critical information infrastructure supply chain,” which would affect national security, the Cyberspace Administration of China said.

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