26.1 C
Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου, 2024

Taiwan detects 62 Chinese military aircraft, 27 vessels in its vicinity

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Taiwan Ministry of Defence, on Saturday, detected a significant Chinese military presence around the nation, with military aircraft and vessels operating around Taiwan.

According to the ministry, 62 China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft, and 27 China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels were seen operating in the vicinity of Taiwan.

Out of these, 47 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan’s southwest, southeast and eastern Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ).

In response, Taiwan’s armed forces monitored the situation and responded accordingly.

“62 PLA aircraft and 27 PLAN vessels operating around #Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. today. 47 of the aircraft crossed the median line of #Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan’s SW, SE, and eastern ADIZ. #ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly,” Taiwan Ministry of Defence said in a post shared on X.

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Meanwhile, the US State Department said it was “monitoring very closely” in coordination with Taiwan after Beijing launched two days of military exercises in the Taiwan Strait and surrounding areas, Central News Agency Taiwan (CNA) reported.

In an email response to CNA, a State Department spokesperson expressed concern over reports of the People Liberation Army’s (PLA) joint military exercises in the Taiwan Strait and around Taiwan. The spokesperson noted that China’s actions risk escalation and undermine long-standing norms that have maintained regional peace and stability for decades.

The spokesperson emphasized that Taiwan’s political transition is a normal part of its democratic process and that China should not use it as a pretext for provocative or coercive measures. The spokesperson added that the US is confident in its current force posture and operations in the region to ensure peace and stability and to meet its national security commitments.

On Friday, on the second day of China’s military games on the Taiwan strait, the island nation’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) reported a significant presence of Chinese military aircraft and vessels near its territory.

Asserting Taiwan’s capacity and confidence to ensure its security and defend its sovereignty, the MND also called upon the international community to condemn China’s actions, which it deemed irrational.

The Ministry emphasised that the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) military exercises, indicative of its hegemonic mindset, have undermined regional peace and stability.

“The CCP’s military exercises, which highlight its hegemony mindset, have undermined regional peace and stability. The ROC Armed Forces stand ready to defend our country. We seek no conflicts, but we will not shy away from one,” it added.

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