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Τρίτη, 11 Μαρτίου, 2025

Pakistan: Afghan refugees urge global community to consider asylum applications positively

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Hundreds of Afghan refugees in Pakistan on Thursday called on the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the international community to respond positively to their asylum applications.

Holding protest with the slogan “Save Us” that entered 57th day, they lamented the fact that the world has forgotten Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine war, reported Tolo News.

“Due to the war in Ukraine, the world has forgotten Afghanistan; not only the issue of Afghans in Pakistan but the focus on Afghans in all countries has stopped,” said Safiullah Sultani, a protesting refugee.

“So far, no country that provides asylum for the refugees, not even the United Nations, has paid attention to the problems of Afghans refugees,” Abdul Sami Khatibi said.

Meanwhile, a number of Afghan refugees in Iran said that the census process in that country has created challenges for them, reported Tolo News.

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“Some of the refugees are concerned that after six months they will deport us and say we are not taking the census sheets,” said Latifa Stanekzai, an Afghan refugee.

“So far, over 1.5 million refugees have been identified and this process continues until July,” said Naqibullah Mazlumyar.

“Unfortunately, appropriate measures have not been taken to address this issue, and this has created challenges for census offices and immigrants,” said Dr Mohammadzai, another Afghan refugee.

With the reestablishment of the Taliban, a large number of Afghans fled the country and many are now living in poor conditions in the neighbouring countries.

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