9.9 C
Πέμπτη, 13 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

China Democracy Party holds meet in London on anniversary of Tiananmen Square massacre

Περισσότερα Νέα

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To mark the 34th Anniversary of June Fourth Tiananmen Square massacre, China Democracy Party (CDP) organised a Symposium titled “Commemoration of June Fourth and A Vision of a Democratic China” on 27 May 2023.

The event was organised at the Royal National Hotel in London. It was attended in person and via Zoom meetings by leaders of CDP from the UK, the US, the Taiwan Ambassador to Germany, International campaigners, journalists, Chinese dissident leaders and activists and Hong Kong activists.

In the morning event, the speakers were present and in the afternoon event, the speakers attended the event via Zoom. There were some issues with the sound at the afternoon event.

There were approximately 50 attendees at the main event. Most spoke Chinese putonghua. Of the international speakers, some spoke Putonghua and others spoke English.

The Event was followed by a protest outside the Chinese Embassy in London, where protesters demanded Xi Jinping step down and called for democracy in China.

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There were approximately 50 attendees at the protest. Some of the speakers at the main event made speeches at the protest, they were joined by others. The protest was followed by a closing dinner at the Bright Courtyard Club in Baker Street.

Tiananmen Square Massacre continues to be seen as the darkest day in modern Chinese history because of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. It is horrible to think how it was on this very sacred ground where the PRC established itself that violence of a level unseen in the world till then took place.

Beijing’s Tiananmen Square incident is one of the such case which can never be forgotten by any Chinese. Millions of Chinese youths were agitating and demanding democracy and basic Human Rights. On the night of 4th June 1989, the CCP Regime unleashed the Chinese Army (PLA) against these youths.

The PLA started indiscriminate firing on the unarmed youths. Army tanks were used to literally crush the youths. Approximately 10,000 young Chinese were killed in this brutal, inhuman, cold-blooded massacre. This is the most brutal massacre in modern human history.

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