28.3 C
Δευτέρα, 17 Ιουνίου, 2024

Biological Terrorism: China engineered Covid-19 “bioweapon” to purposely infect people, reveals Wuhan researcher

Περισσότερα Νέα

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A researcher at Wuhan Institute of Virology has made astonishing claims about the coronavirus, saying the virus was engineered by China as a “bioweapon” and that his colleagues were given four strains of the virus to find out which could spread best.

Chao Shao, a researcher from Wuhan made these shocking revelations in an exclusive interview with Jennifer Zeng, a member of the International Press Association, who provides first-hand information and unique insights about China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In the twenty-six-minute interview, Chao Shao shares an anecdote of how another researcher Shan Chao from the Wuhan Institute of Virology admits of his superior giving him four strains of coronavirus and asking him to test and to find out which one had the best ability to infect as many species as possible, and also to find out how easy it was to infect other species including human.

Chao Shao also called the coronavirus a “bioweapon.”He also mentions that several of his colleagues went missing during the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan. Later, one of them revealed that they were sent to hotels where athletes from various countries were staying to “check the health or hygiene conditions.” Since checking hygiene doesn’t require virologists, Chao Shan suspected that they were sent there to spread the virus.

“Furthermore, in April 2020, Chao Shan said that he was sent to Xinjiang to check the health status of the Uyghurs who were imprisoned in the re-education camps so that they could be released sooner. Once again, since conducting health checks doesn’t require a virologist, he strongly implied that he was sent there to either spread the virus or to observe how the virus worked on humans,” tells Chao Shao in the interview.

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The above shocking information was disclosed to the interviewee by Chao Shan himself during the period from March to April 2020.

However, as the whistleblower mentioned during the interview, this is just a small piece of the entire puzzle. So far, the true origin of the pandemic that has caused nearly 7 million deaths worldwide, or even more, is still under exploration.

The interview was conducted by Jennifer Zeng, a Chinese-born human rights activist and author. 

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