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Πέμπτη, 6 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Activists demand independent commission to investigate blasphemy cases involving children in Pakistan

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Human rights activists in Pakistan have called on the government to establish an independent investigation commission to secure the release of children entangled in blasphemy cases.

According to Dawn report, the demand was made by lawyer Usman Warraich, Rana Abdul Hameed Advocate, Iman Mazari Advocate, and the parents of affected children during a press conference at the National Press Club in Islamabad. Lawyer Usman Warraich highlighted a disturbing trend uncovered in a Special Branch report from last year.

The report revealed that a religious extremist group is luring young Muslim boys and girls into sharing blasphemous content online as part of a premeditated scheme. So far, over 450 Muslim youth have fallen victim to these false accusations, with more than 150 held in Adiala Jail, over 170 in Lahore Camp Office Jail and Kot Lakhpat Jail, and 55 detained in Karachi Central Jail’s call cells.

Warraich explained that the group targets young people through social media, where they pose as friends or romantic interests to manipulate their victims into sharing sensitive or inappropriate content. Under various pretexts, including job offers, friendships, or promises of companionship, the victims are lured to a “Safe House” in Islamabad’s G-8 area, where they are subjected to brutal physical torture.

This abuse includes being hung upside down, beaten with sticks, and filmed for further exploitation. According to human rights activists, the group’s network reportedly consists of 25 to 30 individuals who act as plaintiffs in these blasphemy cases, falsely accusing more than 20 youths each. These plaintiffs often provide fake addresses in the FIRs to evade accountability, making it difficult for authorities to trace their activities.

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The lawyers and parents of the affected children have demanded immediate action, urging that legal proceedings related to such cases be halted until an independent commission is formed. They have also called for the immediate release of minors caught in these false accusations.

The issue of blasphemy in Pakistan remains deeply controversial and sensitive. Blasphemy laws have often been misused to settle personal vendettas or target vulnerable groups, particularly minorities and marginalised communities. (ANI)

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