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Κυριακή, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

As Xi Jinping secures third term, moderates removed from CCP’s central committee

Περισσότερα Νέα

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As Xi Jinping secured a third term in power after the National Party Congress concluded in October, the Communist Party of China has started “weeding out” moderates and now the central committee comprises hardliners with an authoritarian ideology, according to a report by The Singapore Post.

The names of many leaders were “conspicuously missing” from the Central Committee list, The Singapore Post cited a report from Beijing. The names of leaders that were not mentioned in the Central Committee list included Premier Li Keqiang, who was till lately the number 2 official of the Chinese Communist Party, National People’s Congress Chairman Li Zhanshu, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference chairman Wang Yang and Vice-Premier Han Zheng. All these leaders were part of the outgoing seven-member Standing Committee.

The seven-member Standing Committee is the most powerful political body in China which elects the general secretary of the party. Among these leaders, both Li and Wang are considered moderates. Li Keqiang is considered as a supporter of market reforms and private enterprise as he made efforts in the past to promote consumption-led economic growth, the report said citing analysts. However, Li Keqiang’s ouster from the post hints at Xi’s quest for greater state control.

Apart from Le Keqianq, Wang Yang is also considered as a leader of the CPC that backs markets, private enterprise and likes to experiment with the economy. The report said that Xi Jinping during his ten years tenure brought changes to the democratic tradition initiated within the CPC by Paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. According to the tradition introduced by Deng said that the tenure of the Chinese President would be limited to two terms of five years each.

Before the formation of the Central Committee, former Chinese President Hu Jintao was escorted by security guards to leave the podium. The incident took place when he was trying to speak about something and was forced to depart.

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While Hu Jintao was departing from the Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, other leaders did not react to it. After the incident, there was an attempt at an explanation that Hu had fallen sick and had to be escorted away. As per the report, the other leaders who were attending the party’s Congress did not try to help Hu which “does not make this explanation acceptable.”

According to the report, Xi Jinping’s message from the party congress was “unambiguous.”

Addressing the CPC Congress on October 16, Xi warned China would “not renounce the use of force” to unify Taiwan and added that they will make use of all “necessary measures to stop all separatist movements” in Taiwan, as per The Singapore Post report.

Notably, China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and had raised objections to US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island. He committed that China will strive for friendly ties and partnership with neighbouring countries. The report said that Xi’s statement “could be fathomed” by the fact that the opening day of the Congress began with a video of the Galwan clash between troops of China and India.

Xi Jinping had announced that CPC will strengthen troop training, strengthen combat preparedness and bolster the strategic capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army. As per the report, he said, ” The wheels of history are rolling towards China’s reunification and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” He further said that China will create a “strong system of strategic deterrence.” According to analysts, Xi Jinping’s speech in 2022 hints that China will increase its capability for “nuclear deterrence.”

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