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Κυριακή, 16 Ιουνίου, 2024

Pak Govt Deploys Army ‘to Protect’ Red Zone As Imran Khan’s Azadi March Enters Islamabad

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Pak Govt Deploys Army ‘to Protect’ Red Zone As Imran Khan’s Azadi March Enters Islamabad

Pakistan military will be deployed in front of the Pakistan Supreme Court, Parliament House, Presidency, Prime Minister’s office, & other Diplomatic enclaves.

Pakistan government deployed the military “to protect” the Red Zone as the ‘Azadi March’ caravan led by ousted Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan entered Islamabad on Wednesday. The Red Zone in Islamabad is a secured area where government, judiciary, and legislature buildings are located, including residences of President and Prime Minister. According to a statement released by the incumbent Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif, the federal government has ordered troops’ support given the law and order situation, which increasingly deteriorated since Khan launched the protest.

“Pursuant to the law and order situation in Islamabad Capital Territory the federal government, in the exercise of powers conferred Article 245 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is pleased to authorise the deployment of sufficient strength of troops or Pakistan in Red Zone in the ICP in aid of civil power,” the statement by Pakistan’s Interior Ministry said, as quoted by The Express Tribune.

As per the order, the Pakistani military will be deployed in front of the Pakistan Supreme Court, Parliament House, Presidency, Prime Minister’s office, and other Diplomatic enclaves. The number of troops will be ascertained by the military authorities in consultation with the Sharif government. This came after Imran Khan asked his followers to meet him at the D-Chowk of the federal capital. Preparing for provocation, Islamabad IG Dr. Akber Nasir warned that “anyone that tried to breach the Red Zone will be dealt with an iron hand.”

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Chaos grips Pakistan as PTI’s Azadi March reaches Islamabad
The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) chief-led Azadi March began on Wednesday despite repeated warnings against it from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Sharif’s government. Amid the already chaotic political situation in the country, tensions mounted after clashes broke out in Pakistan’s Punjab province between police and the marchers. Police fired tear gas and detained several PTI members as they attempted to remove roadblocks, the Dawn reported. In recent aftermath of the clash, Islamabad’s Metro station was set on fire, reported Pakistan’s Samaa news.

Khan was removed from power by a no-trust vote following which he asked “all Pakistanis” to take to the streets for “real independence.” Calling it a “defining moment” for Pakistan, Khan urged all marchers to carry the national flag as he addressed the crowd in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The rally comes after several rounds of talks between Khan and the ruling government only further widening the rift. Khan slammed the incumbent government for corruption and misrule, saying that the “group of thieves” were obstructing the rights of peaceful protests.

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