20.8 C
Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Political witch-hunt in Gilgit-Baltistan should end soon: UKPNP

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Brussels conference of the United Kashmir People National Party that took place on May 24, called on Pakistan’s policy of intervention in Jammu & Kashmir and strictly urged the nation to stop its policy of using Pakistani Administered Azad Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit- Baltistan as a launching pad for its geo-strategic interests.

Reiterating its commitment to oppose all forms of terrorism, extremism, and fundamentalism in our region and particularly in Jammu & Kashmir that devastate the social fabric of the society and create polarization among different sections, the conference demanded an end to Pakistan’s colonial rule on so-called Azad Jammu Kashmir & Gilgit- Baltistan.

The democratic, constitutional and human rights of both peripheries must be restored and intimidation of political activists must be stopped, the participants demanded.
This conference called on Pakistan to bring primary legislation and structural reforms in the implementation of Blasphemy laws and misuse of those laws against religious minorities in the country and urged the Government of Pakistan to revive Students, stated the press release.

The conference unanimously urged the international community to use its offices so that the Government of Pakistan make effective laws to curb extremists elements to collect funds through mosques and other seminaries for their terrorist activities in Pakistan and Jammu & Kashmir under the Indian administration, adding that the political witch-hunt in Pakistani Administered Azad Kashmir & Gilgit- Baltistan should end soon.

The participants of this conference unanimously demand that the Government of India should release all political leaders and allow them to fully participate in a political process and exercise their democratic rights in a democratic state & society in order for political activity to flourish and to invigorate democracy and democratic institutions which are in the interest of the people of Jammu & Kashmir and the larger region of South Asia.

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A political process must be initiated with inclusiveness and by inviting political leaders across the board to find a permanent solution to the Jammu & Kashmir conflict.
Apprehensive about growing extremism, violence and acts of terrorism, the conference highlighted innocent citizens being targeted; the growing land grabbing activities of the Pakistani Army in various towns of Pakistani administered Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit- Baltistan under their control, and dissidents intimidated, abducted or killed. According to the release the meeting cautioned the government of Pakistan not to play with the sentiments of the people of Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan administered Jammu Kashmir; and warned that any attempt to annex these areas and change the legal status of these areas will be opposed.

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