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Παρασκευή, 21 Ιουνίου, 2024

Afghan Taliban push for Pakistan-TTP peace deal

Περισσότερα Νέα

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A Pakistani delegation led by Peshawar Corps Commander Lt General Faiz Hameed visited Kabul on Monday and reportedly held talks with the representatives of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), according to Afghan journalists and sources.

However, there was no official confirmation from either side about the development but reports suggested that it was part of a renewed push by the Afghan Taliban to broker some kind of a deal between Pakistan and the TTP.

“Faiz Hameed, head of Peshawar army corps command, along with his delegation had arrived in Kabul for negotiations with the TTP,” Afghan journalist Bill Sarwary tweeted.

Members of the group and official sources in Kabul confirmed to the VOA the presence of Gen Faiz in Kabul for talks with the TTP mediated by the Haqqani Network.

Al-Jazeera journalist Suddaf Chaudry also spotted Gen Faiz at the lobby of a private hotel in Kabul.

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Gen Faiz as head of the ISI had been instrumental in brokering a deal between the US and the Afghan Taliban. His reported presence in Kabul seems to stem from his close connections with the Afghan Taliban as well as his experience in handling them.

The talks with the banned TTP took place against the backdrop of a surge in terrorist attacks in Pakistan in recent months.

Contrary to Pakistan’s expectations, since the return of the Taliban in Kabul there has been an increase in terrorist attacks targeting the security forces. This year alone over 120 Pakistani security officials including officers were martyred in attacks mostly carried out by the outlawed TTP.

This has mounted pressure on the interim Afghan government to take action against the TTP and its affiliates currently operating out of the neighbouring country.

In April when terrorists launched cross border attacks leaving Pakistani soldiers martyred, Pakistani Air force jets reportedly pounded the hideouts of TTP across the border.

Read More: Taliban’s first annual Afghan budget foresees $501 million deficit
Pakistani has never publically acknowledged those strikes but officials privately said the message was clear that the country would not tolerate cross border terrorist attacks anymore.

The foreign office at that time issued a strong statement, saying despite calls for action terrorist groups were operating out of Afghanistan with impunity.

Official sources said after Pakistan’s warning, the interim Taliban government agreed to take a series of steps to deny cross border terrorist attacks. As part of the measures, some terrorists were relocated from the border regions.

But Pakistan has been demanding clear action against those groups. Because of the pressure, the interim Afghan Taliban once again made efforts to mediate some kind of peace deal between Pakistan and the TTP.

The latest talks are believed to be part of those efforts as the interim Taliban government is reluctant to take any action against the TTP and instead is keen to find a way out through talks.

It is believed that even when the banned TTP was mounting cross border terrorist attacks, scores of family members of terrorists, who were not directly involved in any violent attacks, were allowed to return home and their rehabilitation had already been underway.

The repatriation of “white family members” meaning those who were not directly involved in terrorist activities is part of a two-pronged strategy to reach out to the reconcilable elements within terrorist outfits.

Pakistan wants to isolate hardcore elements of the TTP and its affiliates.

FM to visit the US

Meanwhile, at the invitation of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is visiting New York for the ministerial meeting on the “Global Food Security Call to Action” to be held at the United Nations on 18 May.

The meeting will bring together a regionally diverse group of countries including those most affected by food insecurity and those in a position to take action to address it. Ministers will be invited to speak on humanitarian needs and longer-term development efforts required to save lives and build resilience for the future.

The foreign minister will also participate in the Open Debate of the UN Security Council on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security – Conflict and Food Security” under the U.S. Presidency of the Council on 19 May.

He will highlight Pakistan’s perspective and policy priorities in the two meetings. While in New York, the FM will have other important engagements on the sidelines, including a bilateral meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Pakistan will continue to play a proactive role in supporting the international efforts to advance the shared objectives of a peaceful and stable world free of conflict, poverty and hunger.

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