26 C
Παρασκευή, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Xi moves to silence retired party members as he is set to secure third term as China’s president

Περισσότερα Νέα

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As Chinese President Xi Jinping seeks a historic third term in power, his party has called on all the retired elderly party members to not make any “negative” political remarks and keep quiet on topics where they are in disagreement with the President. In an article, by the party’s mouthpiece the People’s Daily, named, “Opinion on strengthening party-building among retired cadres in the new era,” all the retired party members have been asked to “strictly adhere to the relevant regulations.” Meanwhile, all the CCP party committees have been instructed to call the retired elderly of the party to follow these instructions, reported Radio Free Asia.

According to the article, the retired officials should not disseminate “politically negative remarks” and should now take part in “illegal social organizations.” It also speaks about the guidelines which call for the additional study, counselling and training for retired officials. These new regulations which need to be “strictly” followed by the CCP retired members could possibly be in response to comments from former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji.

According to a report by The Wall Street Journal in March Zhu, 94, was unhappy with Xi’s bid for a third term in office, when leaders since Mao Zedong have been limited to two terms apiece. Many in CCP including former Premier Zhu Rongji have recently voiced their opposition to Xi Jinping’s move to break the established party system of leadership succession and plan to be re-elected this year, reported the media portal. The People’s Daily article said CCP cadres will require to “stand firm in the face of major right and wrong, to be loyal to the party, to obey the party’s commands [and] to act responsibly with regard to the party.”

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