29.7 C
Σάββατο, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Very important details by the Representative of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs about Indian-Greek ties

By Andreas Mountzouroulias

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Important news came out today during the briefing of Diplomatic Authors by the Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Alexandros Papaioannou.

What he said about Greek-Indian relations.

“But what I wanted to emphasize, because it is very important for us, is that, once again, the Greek Minister has raised with both the Secretary-General and the Indian Foreign Minister the question of our candidacy for the Security Council for the period. ’25 -’26. That is, we must not lose sight of this.

In fact, I would like to emphasize that India is a non-permanent member of the Security Council at the moment. It has a significant role.

In addition to this candidacy, he also announced our candidacy for the Human Rights Council in the period 2028-2030, as well as for the Presidency of the General Assembly in 2035. There are some gradual candidacies, which we want to promote.

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Since we are talking about India, let me also briefly tell you that apart from the developments in Ukraine, the discussion was very interesting, because on the one hand we informed about the developments in our region, the Eastern Mediterranean, the Cyprus issue, in which, as he said Greek Minister, India has traditionally played an important, constructive role for decades.

But beyond that, there was a very interesting briefing from the Indian side on the broader developments in Asia and the Indian Ocean region, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, China, Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean, which are areas where the Greece has been absent for quite some time and, of course, we wish to return.

The other thing I want to keep in mind, especially from India, is that India, like Greece, has a clear adherence to International Law and International Law of the Sea. “As you know, India has agreements with neighboring countries on the delimitation of the continental shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone and has gone to the International Court of Justice in The Hague on this issue, concluding a joint venture with Bangladesh.”

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