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Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

US alarmed over Chinese aggression against Philippines, reiterates support

Περισσότερα Νέα

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US Joint Chiefs of Staff chair, Gen Charles Brown Jr has expressed alarm over the Chinese aggression against Philippine ships and has said that the US is closely watching the situation, Philippine News Agency reported.

This comes after the Chinese ships carried out aggression against Philippine vessels, which were conducting a regular resupply and rotation (RORE) mission in Ayungin Shoal over the weekend.

A ranking American military official has expressed alarm over China’s latest aggressive actions against Philippine ships conducting a regular resupply and rotation (RORE) mission in Ayungin Shoal over the weekend.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief, Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr., cited General Charles Brown Jr from a phone conference on Monday.

“For him, the harassment being done by China is very alarming and they are closely watching and in fact, they gave a statement of support not only to the AFP but to the Philippines in general,” Brawner said in an interview on Tuesday.

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On December 9, China Coast Guard (CCG) ships and their maritime militia harassed Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources vessels engaged in a humanitarian mission off Bajo de Masinloc (also known as Scarborough Shoal), damaging one in a water cannon attack, Philipinnes News Agency reported.

During their conversation, Brown reiterated the US commitment to continuously support the Philippines.

The two military officials also agreed to maintain closer ties amid the illegal and aggressive actions of Chinese ships targeting Philippines vessels in the West Philippine Sea.

“The two agreed to maintain close coordination amidst worsening illegal activities of CCG targeting rotation and reprovisioning missions and patrols of Philippine government vessels in the WPS. They also discussed mutual strategic security interests and opportunities for increased military cooperation,” the Armed Forces of Philippines said in a statement.

The two military officials also reaffirmed their commitment to the Philippine-US alliance under the framework of the Mutual Defense Treaty and in upholding a rules-based international order and the shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific Region, the Philippine News Agency reported.

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