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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

UKPNP organises protests in PoK, other parts of world to mark Oct 22 as “Black Day”

Περισσότερα Νέα

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United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) organised protests in PoK and other parts of the world to mark Oct 22 as “Black Day.”

The day is observed as Pak Army-backed Tribal invasion in Jammu and Kashmir in 1947. The intervening night of October 21-22, 1947 is considered the “Black Day” in the history of JK, which left a grim mark on the fate of the region.

The tribal invasion of October 22, known as Operation Gulmarg, resulted in the death of thousands of innocent people and changed the course of Jammu and Kashmir’s history.

The United Kashmir People’s National Party is protesting all over the world against the tribal invasion, looting, and massacre of state residents on October 22, 1947, which is the basis for the partition of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Demonstrations are being held worldwide, including the capital Muzaffarabad, in Europe, Britain, the United States and North America.

The UK leg of the United Kashmir People’s National Party held a protest outside the Pakistan High Commission in London on Saturday.

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In a letter to the Pakistan embassy in London, UKPNP said this demonstration is organised by United Kashmir Peoples National Party, (United Kingdom), zone to register its protest against Pakistan’s obsession to capture Jammu and Kashmir which started in October 1947.

“It is sad to note that despite the Standstill Agreement and against the principles of international law and norms, attacked the small neighbour with the intention to occupy the State of Jammu and Kashmir and punish its legitimate Ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh for refusing to accede to Pakistan. This unprovoked and imperialist attack was carried out in name of religion, and the invaders did everything during the military campaign which was against the teaching of any religion, and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. These invaders were at liberty to kill unarmed citizens of Jammu and Kashmir, raped women, burnt houses, looted and plundered people,” it read.

The United Kashmir People’s National Party said it wants to: “Declare that the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir is one political entity; and its unification, stability, prosperity and autonomy is our ultimate goal.”

“Affirm that people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir have been victims of aggression, extremism and violence since 1947. They are forcibly divided and continue to suffer under the illegal occupation of Pakistan. This forced division and suffering must come to an end, as people of Pakistani Occupied regions i.e. so-called Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan deserve to enjoy their fundamental human rights including the right to rule in their territory,” the party said.

It also recommended “the government of Pakistan to take effective measures to control activities of those who promote extremism, violence and intolerance in various parts of the Pakistani Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (POJK), and in Occupied Gilgit and Baltistan. Also, they must ensure that religious and ethnic minorities in Pakistan must not become victims of intolerance and hate.”

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