25.5 C
Παρασκευή, 5 Ιουλίου, 2024

The axis of evil-China-Pakistan discuss international, regional security situations

Περισσότερα Νέα

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“Both sides discussed their perspectives on the international and regional security situation, and expressed satisfaction on defence cooperation between the two countries,” Inter-Services Public Relation said in a press release.

A senior-level tri-service military delegation of Pakistan visited China from June 9 to 12 and held wide-ranging discussions with senior officials the of Chinese military and other government departments.

“Apex Meeting was held on 12 June wherein Pakistani side was headed by Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Qamar Javed Bajwa while the Chinese side was led by General Zhang Youxia Vice Chairman Central Military Commission of China,” according to the statement.
During the apex meeting, Pakistan and China reaffirmed their strategic partnership in challenging times and agreed to continue the regular exchange of perspectives on issues of mutual interest.

“Both sides also vowed to enhance their training, technology and counterterrorism cooperation at the tri-service level,” the statement further read.
Meanwhile, on June 2, China agreed to refinance Pakistan with USD 2.3 billion worth of funds amid the dwindling foreign exchange reserves of the country.
“Good News: The terms and conditions for refinancing of RMB 15 billion deposit by Chinese banks (about US$ 2.3 billion) have been agreed. Inflow is expected shortly after some routine approvals from both sides. This will help shore up our foreign exchange reserves,” Ismail tweeted.

This development comes as the restoration of the country’s delayed International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme depends on the government’s capacity to make a fiscal adjustment of about 2.5 per cent of the GDP.
The fiscal adjustments can be made by increasing the revenues and reducing the expenditure in the next budget, Geo News reported citing The News.

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