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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024
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Solomon Islands

Chinese Communist Party spreads ‘false narratives’ in Solomon Islands ahead of 20th Party Congress

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) in its latest report has accused the Chinese Communist Party of spreading false narratives on numerous issues in...

Solomon Islands sends largest police delegation to China for first in-country training

Almost three dozen Solomon Islands police officers have flown to China for training in another sign of rapidly deepening police cooperation between the two...

Solomons Signs US-Led Pacific Deal After Historic Meeting-Washington is trying to counter Beijing’s diplomacy in Pacific

The Solomon Islands has joined 13 other Pacific nations in signing a wide-reaching US-led partnership agreement, after early indications it would refuse. The ten-point US-Pacific...

Solomon Islands’ snap ban on foreign military vessels’ stokes fear of China’s growing clout

The Solomon Islands’ snap ban on foreign military vessels docking at Honiara port have stocked new fears over China’s growing clout in the Islands,...

Solomon Islands bans all navy ships from entering its ports to implement new process

The Solomon Islands has decided to suspend the entry of all foreign navy ships into its ports, the prime minister’s office said on Tuesday....

The Portends of China’s Security Agreement with Solomon Islands

The recent announcement of a new security agreement between China and Solomon Islands has sent ripples of suspicion and concerns in Washington, Canberra and...

China furthers strategic expansion through Solomon Islands

Despite repeated denial from China over plans to militarise the Solomon Islands, the security experts remain wary of Beijing’s intentions. Soloman Islands and China last...

Taiwan warns Solomon Islands over security pact with China

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) on Wednesday said that the Solomon Islands should not let itself be treated as a pawn after its...

Provocative action by Chinese regime-China & Solomon Islands Sign Agreement On Security Cooperation

China and the Solomon Islands have signed a wide-ranging security pact that will allow the Chinese naval to have its presence in the South...

Solomon’s wisdom needed as China envelops a pacific nation

Solomon Islands is forging ahead, despite opposition at home and among neighbors, with a security cooperation agreement with China promising far greater cooperation, and...

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