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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024
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China’s Internet censors try to shut out Beijing protesters

The Chinese government is trying every possible way to censor any discussion of a rare public protest which condemned President Xi Jinping as a...

Biden’s Beijing strategy to counter Chinese threat to global order

US Secretary of State Antony J Blinken in their policy address revealed President Joe Biden’s strategy to compete with China to preserve American interests...

Beijing’s debt trap: Chinese nationals face threats in Pakistan, Sri Lanka

China seems to be trapped in its own web that it had spun around countries to catch them in a debt trap through its...

Arrest of 90-yr old Hong Kong cardinal sparks outcry over Beijing’s national security law

Amid rising fears that Beijing would begin instituting closer control over the church in Hong Kong, the detention of a 90-year-old retired bishop of...

Beijing seeks dominance over Mongolian Buddhist sphere: Report

Mongolia has long relied on Russia in balancing its ties with China but due to the Ukraine crisis and consequent sanctions on Russia, Moscow...

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