15.7 C
Δευτέρα, 24 Μαρτίου, 2025

Rs 200 crore worth narcotic drugs dumped by Pakistani boat crew off Gujarat coast recovered by BSF

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Gunny bags containing narcotic drugs thrown into the sea by the crew of Pakistani boat AL Noman, which was apprehended by the Indian Coast Guard and Gujarat anti-terrorism squad (ATS) last week, were recovered on Sunday morning in the creek area of Kutch by Border Security Force (BSF) and Marine Police.

The Pakistani crew had dumped the contraband consignment of around 50 kg of drugs at the Jakhau area of the creek in Gujarat on May 30 to avoid being caught with drugs in the Indian maritime territory.

“ATS will take over custody as material evidence of the same case. The Pakistani boat will now be liable for prosecution under the value of drugs is estimated to be above Rs 200 crore,” sources in security forces told ANI.

Indian Coast Guard Ship Arinjay, on the basis of intelligence input by ATS (Gujarat), had jointly apprehended Pakistani boat Al Noman with seven crew on the intervening night of May 30 and 31.

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