30 C
Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Protest in Balochistan against Chinese trawler mafia, lack of basic amenities

Περισσότερα Νέα

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A protest against Chinese trawler mafia, and the lack of basic amenities like medical facilities was held in Balochistan.

Activists from Haq Do Tehreek, Balochistan led by Maulana Hidayatur Rehman Baloch and Hussain Wadela organised a protest rally to highlight the various problems of Baloch people in front of Gharibabad Transport in Main Chowk of Pasni, Balochistan. A large number of local people including the fishermen participated in the protest, reported local media.

The trawler mafia has ruined the livelihood of local fishermen in the coastal city. Chinese projects have not provided employment opportunities to locals as they had promised.

While Chinese trawlers have depleted fish stocks and exploited natural resources, the project has also fuelled a high level of corruption with retired army officials being appointed in key positions overseeing CPEC and filling their pockets, added the vernacular media.

Addressing the gathering, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman and Hussain Wadela said that the Haq Do Tehreek is a public movement against the illegal practices of Chinese capitalists and other influential people. The leaders highlighted the incident of a boat belonging to the Khuzdar MPA’s brother, fishing illegally in the Ormara Sea.

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They said that this shows the involvement of big capitalists and the hijacking of poor men’s livelihoods. The leaders further recalled the exodus of Sindhi people who closed down 32 fishing shops because of the fishing mafia and the inactivity of the fish harbour jetty for several years.

The leader further said that locals get the assistance of cheap gas, petrol and food items from the neighbouring country Iran. Still, the local administration is sucking the blood out of the local public, added the local media.

The leaders called it strange to raise slogans of “Pakistan Zindabad” when there is continuous exploitation of the poor public. These chants and slogans are only made for the rich capitalists and the mafia who exploit the facilities meant for the poor people. The leaders said that they would not raise “Pakistan Zindabad” slogans until this discrimination stops.

While the Pakistani administration maintains the false belief that the Chinese-fuelled ‘development’ in Balochistan will benefit the local population, the sad reality is that these protests saw locals demanding basic necessities, such as livelihood, clean drinking water and basic health facilities which they continue to be deprived of.

Many groups in Pakistan, both ethnic and religious, continue to suffer due to neglect from political and government indifference.

The leaders acknowledged the growing menace of drug addiction amongst the younger generation. They criticized the govt for its failure to adopt any preventive strategy against drugs.

They also showed disappointment with the lack of medical facilities available in Pasni.

Meanwhile, the leaders of Haq Do Tehreek are going to organise a large historical gathering in Gwadar on October 27 in view of these recurring issues.

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