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Τρίτη, 15 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Pakistan’s Double Standards: How Harbouring Terrorism Undermines Its Ties with China and the SCO’s Anti-Extremist Agenda

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Pakistan’s longstanding affinity for terrorism has once again drawn global attention to its terror-sponsoring activities, significantly straining its relationship with its all-weather ally, China, while also threatening its membership with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). In recent years, the inability to safeguard Chinese workers and businessmen involved in various China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects has become a glaring issue that has strained the crucial economic relationship. Consequently, there have been increasing calls to re-evaluate Pakistan’s credibility as a member of the SCO.

A primary concern is Pakistan’s failure to ensure adequate security for Chinese nationals working within its borders. The deaths of several Chinese workers in terrorist attacks, including incidents occurring as recently as this month, have cast a tall shadow over the China-Pakistan relationship. For China, the safety of its personnel and the security of its investments is paramount. Yet, Islamabad’s inability to effectively counter these security threats, particularly from militant groups operating in its western provinces, reveals a troubling reality; Pakistan is either unwilling or unable to address the forces that jeopardize both its internal stability and its foreign partnerships.

Moreover, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has long been accused of supporting and sheltering militant groups operating within its borders, many of which have been responsible for attacks on Chinese nationals involved in projects under the CPEC. By maintaining ties with these militant groups, the ISI is not only undermining regional security but also directly threatening the safety of Chinese nationals, creating an untenable situation for Pakistan’s credibility in curbing terror outfits.

The repeated targeting of Chinese workers by terrorist groups is moreover not solely a national security issue for Pakistan but also a foreign policy impediment. China, one of Pakistan’s closest allies and a major investor in its infrastructure, is growing increasingly frustrated by Islamabad’s inability to guarantee the safety of its citizens.

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Troubled by Pakistan’s inadequate response, China has urged Islamabad to launch a large-scale anti-terror operation. Beijing has even gone to the extent of proposing the deployment of its own security personnel in Pakistan to protect the approximately 1,200 Chinese workers currently stationed there, indicating the utter loss of faith in Pakistan’s security establishment. 

The SCO’s Dilemma- Reconciling Pakistan’s Actions with Its Mandate

Pakistan’s inactions with terrorism is also particularly problematic when one considers its role in the SCO, a regional organization that places security and counter-terrorism at the heart of its agenda. The SCO’s mission is built on three central pillars: fighting terrorism, separatism, and extremism. However, Pakistan’s domestic environment is one where terrorism thrive, often with the tacit support from the government and its intelligence agencies. While the country faces numerous security and economic challenges, it is difficult to reconcile Pakistan’s ongoing security failures with its commitment to the SCO’s objectives.

For the SCO, which brings together countries like China, Russia, and India to foster regional cooperation, Pakistan’s (in)actions create a troubling contradiction. How can a country that continues to harbour and fail to control terrorist groups play an effective role in an organization dedicated to fighting extremism and promoting security?

The upcoming SCO meeting this month will likely bring these issues to the forefront. As member states gather to discuss critical security challenges, Pakistan’s role within the organization will be under scrutiny. It is in Islamabad’s interest to show concrete progress in its fight against terrorism, particularly in preventing cross-border terrorism and protecting foreign nationals working on projects that are vital to its economic future. Failing to do so risks not only its position within the SCO but also its engagements with China, a relationship that is central to its economic and geopolitical strategy.

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