8.1 C
Τρίτη, Ιανουάριος 14, 2025

Pakistani consul in Barcelona fired over sexual harassment allegations

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The Government of Pakistan has ceased Mirza Salman Baig, the country’s consul in Barcelona, after an employee of the consular office has reported him before the city’s courts for alleged sexual harassment in the field of work.

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The already excónsul denies the facts, maintains that he is innocent and claims that the worker wanted to “blackmail him” with the case when he made the decision to fire her after hearing episodes of alleged inadequate behaviour with people in her country, he has explained to Europa press.

The complainant explains that Salman was sending him and asking him erotic pictures

The woman has reported The newspaper Catalunya that the man sent him and asked for erotic pictures through an application that allows me to delete conversations at 24 hours: “I was forced to do so because I needed this job to regularize my situation in Spain and I didn’t want me fired,” he said

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