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Παρασκευή, 27 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Pakistan: Swat residents stage protests, demand elimination of terrorists from region

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Residents of Swat valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan took to the streets on Saturday and called for the elimination of terrorists from the region, warning the authorities of grave consequences if they didn’t immediately act.

Since the resumption of terrorist activities in the valley in August, it was the sixth rally by Swat residents, Dawn reported.

The angry protestors said they would challenge threats to peace in the region as they shouted slogans against terrorists.

Moreover, they also complained about the suspension of Internet service in significant parts of Swat and decried the plight of students in the region due to the suspension of internet services.

“Swat residents were peace-loving people and would never tolerate the resurgence of terrorist groups on their soil,” Dawn reported quoting the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party leader Sher Bahadar.

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In another statement, the Vice-president of the Swat Traders Federation Dr Khalid Mehmood said Swat residents won’t leave the area if terrorists carry out unlawful activities and pose danger to the lives of Swat residents.

“When we [Swatis] say no to terrorism, everyone should understand that it is a no by all Pakhtuns,” he said.

Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Pakistan has increasingly complained of attacks across the border from Afghanistan, an issue that has become a source of diplomatic tension.

September witnessed 42 militant attacks with an increase of 35 per cent compared to August. The Pakistani think tank also observed an increase of 106 per cent in violence in erstwhile Fata and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

“In September, the militants carried out 42 attacks in which 40 people were killed, including 24 security forces personnel, and 77 people were injured, including 19 security forces personnel. Overall 60pc of the deaths were from the security forces which showed that they were the prime target of the militants,” the PICSS stated.

In August this year, the think tank said the militants carried out 31 attacks across Pakistan, in which 37 people were killed and 55 others injured.

Global security agencies say there’s a high threat of terrorism and sectarian violence throughout the country.

The main terrorist threat comes from TTP, an umbrella organisation of groups primarily based in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Daesh is also active, according to multiple reports.

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