27.3 C
Κυριακή, 15 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Pakistan pays a heavy price for CPEC

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The recent attacks by the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Balochistan, which reportedly claimed 74 lives, send a grave message to China. The BLA, a separatist group, claimed responsibility for these attacks, which targeted both security forces and workers from Punjab. The group also asserted control over several highways in the province. This surge in violence prompted Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to condemn the attacks, stating that their sole aim was to halt Pakistan’s progress, particularly the projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Sharif highlighted that these acts of terrorism were also intended to strain Pakistan’s relationship with China.

The attacks, which occurred late Sunday night and continued into Monday, resulted in the deaths of nearly 74 people, including 23 Punjabi migrant workers who were executed after their identities were confirmed. The Pakistani Army reported that 14 security personnel were killed in these incidents, while in retaliation, 21 militants were reportedly killed by security forces.

This escalation poses significant concerns for China, particularly regarding its investments in CPEC. Balochistan, Pakistan’s largest province, is home to the Gwadar deep-sea port, a critical component of the $60 billion CPEC project that aims to link southwestern China with the Arabian Sea as part of President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative. China has previously seen its interests and citizens in Pakistan targeted, and these latest attacks further complicate its involvement in the region. During a regular news briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian condemned the violence and pledged to strengthen counter-terrorism cooperation with Pakistan. However, there are growing indications that China may be hesitant to commit to further investments in CPEC due to the ongoing security threats.

Prime Minister Sharif’s recent visit to China ended with only modest gains, despite Islamabad’s efforts to secure a revival of CPEC. Reports suggest that China’s lukewarm response is likely to continue, especially as Pakistan struggles to provide adequate security for Chinese workers and projects.

For Pakistan, China’s reluctance to invest further in CPEC has significant implications, prompting the government to launch a reinvigorated counter-terrorism campaign, ‘Operation Azm-i-Istehkam.’ The move, seen as a response to China’s security concerns, reflects the desperate need for foreign investment in Pakistan, particularly as the country faces economic challenges exacerbated by ongoing political instability.

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Balochistan, despite its wealth of natural resources, remains the poorest region in Pakistan, fueling support for the separatist movement. The province has long been a hotbed of violence, with separatists increasingly targeting workers from Punjab, further deepening the divide within the country. The recent attacks, which saw the deliberate targeting of outsiders, underscore the growing hostility towards those perceived as exploiting Balochistan’s resources.

The BLA’s announcement of the successful completion of a 20-hour operation, “Operation Herof,” in which they claimed to have killed 130 enemy personnel, including several security forces, only heightens the stakes. The group’s detailed statement highlighted the involvement of several fighters, including a female law student turned militant, and emphasized their commitment to the Baloch national liberation movement.

As Pakistan grapples with the fallout from these attacks, the broader implications for CPEC and its relationship with China remain uncertain. The escalating violence in Balochistan poses a serious challenge to Islamabad’s efforts to stabilize the region and attract the foreign investment necessary to revive its struggling economy.


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