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Σάββατο, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Pakistan is a house of cards, it is tumbling: Secy-General of Baloch People’s Congress on enforced disappearances

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Secretary-General of Baloch People’s Congress Waja Siddik Azad delivered a speech on enforced disappearances in Balochistan and hoped for a better future for the people of the region. He said, “Pakistan is a house of cards and it is tumbling.”

The Secretary-General of Baloch People’s Congress delivered a speech on enforced disappearances at Frankfurt Conference. Baloch People’s Congress tweeted the video of the secretary general giving the speech, mentioning the atrocities faced by the people of Balochistan.

“Insightful and Impactful: Secretary General Waja Siddik Azad’s Full Speech on Enforced Disappearances and Baloch Genocide in #Balochistan at Frankfurt Conference” @azad_siddik @WGEID @UNHumanRightsEU @amnestysasia @dwnews @AmnestyDE_EU, Baloch People’s Congress tweeted from its official Twitter account. Secretary-General Waja Siddik Azad is also a senior Baloch politician and has been in the Baloch struggle since his childhood while he was a student.

Azad said, “People of Balochistan are held hostage by the Punjab army. The Baloch people are facing Punjabi bigotry, looting of their…resources and harsh rule by Pakistan’s Punjabi army.” “Those who dare to speak out against repression and military brutality are forcibly abducted, killed, disappeared, and tortured and then their bodies dumped in deserted areas,” he further added.

He also said that Pakistan has signed several deals with China to keep Balochistan hostage. “China is getting rich from the mineral wealth of Balochistan and making billions of dollars and profits in the name of development,” he said. Azad further mentioned, “Pakistan is a house of cards, it is tumbling. We can expect a better future for the victimised and oppressed people of Balochistan.”

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He concluded his speech with, ‘Long live Balochistan, long live all oppressed nations.’

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