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Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Pakistan army expands operation in Balochistan, target civilians

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Baloch political activists have blamed the Pakistan army for using “excessive force” against civilians as an operation has been intensified in Balochistan to rescue six young footballers abducted in the Dera Bugti area last Saturday.

The footballers, all ages between 17 to 23 years were on their way to Sibi town to participate in a local football tournament.

Baloch political activists blamed the Pakistan army for targeting innocent civilians, who are being abducted and moved to unknown locations.

Azizullah Bugti posted on X (formerly Twitter), “A large-scale army operation by the Pakistani Armed Forces is underway in many areas of Dera Bugti, Balochistan. Innocent civilians in large numbers are being abducted and moved to unknown locations. We request human rights groups to break their silence on #Pakistan army’s brutalities in #derabugti.”

The Media Cell of the Baloch Republican Party (BRP) said, “The Pakistani army has displaced twenty families of the Bakhlani clan, Bugti tribe, from their homes in the Asreli area of Dera Bugti. These poor families were compelled to leave behind their crops, upon which their livelihoods depended.”

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The BRP said that combat helicopters and other sophisticated weapons were being used by the Pakistan army during the operation.

BRP posted on X, “On Day 6 of Pakistan Army’s #MilitaryOperationInDeraBugti, Balochistan, the situation remains grim. Local residents’ vehicles were seized, and their cattle were looted. Families were compelled to abandon their homes, with Asreli and Darinjan among the affected areas. Urgent attention is needed for civilians affected by this operation.”

Sher Mohammad Bugti, the spokesperson of BRP posted on X, “On the directions of Corps Commander Asif Ghafoor, the Army is ramping up operations in Dera Bugti! More armoured vehicles from Sibi and Kashmore, a convoy of 20 trucks with fresh troops reached the Sherani area near Uch, and 2 Gunship Helicopters arrived in Sui. The Pakistan military surrounded Dera Bugti from all sides. Entry and exit points are completely sealed, leaving affected residents without rations and even preventing patients from seeking medical help.”

Waja Sohrab Baloch has also sought intervention of the international community including the United Nations to protect the Baloch from the Pakistan Army.

“For the past six days, the Pakistani army has intensified its aggression against the civilian population of Rustam Darbar and Zain Koh, as evidenced by the deployment of four more combat helicopters from Sui cantonment. These relentless attacks on innocent civilians are in clear violation of basic human rights and are causing unimaginable suffering,” he posted on X.

He added, “We urge you to take note of the war crimes being committed by the Pakistani army in #Balochistan. An old video has recently surfaced, revealing the horrifying sight of the army burning the houses of impoverished Baloch civilians in Sui, a city in the #DeraBugti area. Sadly, due to a media blackout, this atrocity remains invisible to the Pakistani public as local TV channels avoid broadcasting such incidents”.

Baloch political activists also blamed the Pakistan army for abducting the youth from the province. In retaliation, the Baloch Liberation Tiger (BLT) blew up the gas pipeline of Well number 34 and Well numbers 6 and 9 in Dera Bugti.

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