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Τετάρτη, 26 Μαρτίου, 2025

New ”Love Jihad” in Greece? – Larissa: 35-year-old woman was found dead in an apartment – They are looking for her Pakistani partner

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The case of the death of a 35-year-old woman in Larissa is developing into a thriller. The Authorities – according to the first estimates – are led to the murder scenario.

The woman was found dead of advanced rot in an apartment building on Papanastasiou Street, in the center of the city.

The main suspect for the heinous act is said to be the woman’s partner, of Pakistani origin, who is wanted by the Police.

What is “Love Jihad” that arrived in Greece from Pakistan?

The Islamization of women under the veil of love is not limited to the Hindu population of South Asia, but Buddhists have reportedly been targeted by Rohingya Muslim men in Myanmar and Christians in Kerala, while similar complaints have been made by the UK’s Sikh community .

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Frighteningly, two hundred years after the elimination of Islamic extremism and jihadism from Athens after independence from the Ottoman Empire, it seems that the mass arrival of Pakistani men has also meant the arrival of “Love Jihad” in the Greek capital.

As Directus reported, “innocent Greek children are being targeted in the name of love”.

Often young impressionable teenage girls, cut off from the reality of cultural differences and education standards due to manipulation by the dominant Western liberal ideology in Greece, defy their parents believing it is revolutionary to date older Muslims, usually Pakistanis or Afghans.

With Pakistanis in Greece sexually assaulting women in large numbers, murdering, stealing, extorting, while their homeland continues to staunchly support Turkey against Greece and Cyprus at every opportunity, it seems that Love Jihad is next provocation against the Greeks.

The impressionable youth, often well-intentioned with their anti-fascist ideologies, are blinded by reality.

While one can very easily oppose fascism in all its forms, this should extend to Islamic fascism and should not mean that one becomes blind to cultural, religious, educational and ideological differences and realities.

The harsh reality is that some cultures are incompatible with others. Greek culture and its various strands, whether traditional or liberalized, are in stark contrast to the Islamic political-cultural system and norms of Pakistan.

Greece as a modern democracy bears no resemblance to an Islamic Republic like Pakistan. In fact, the modern Greek state was built on expelling and overcoming radical Islamic jihadism, an ideology that promotes, finances and exports Islamabad.

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