16.2 C
Κυριακή, 23 Μαρτίου, 2025

Murder in Greece: This is the Pakistani partner of the 35-year-old dead woman – The report of the medical examiner on the murder is shocking – Pakistani is the main suspect

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Police investigations are focused on the Pakistani partner of the 35-year-old woman who was found dead in the basement of an apartment building on Papanastasiou Street in Larissa.

The man is considered the main suspect and is missing, while another element that is important is the wound that the 35-year-old woman suffered on the head.

The chronicle of the thriller

The body of a 35-year-old woman was found yesterday on a mattress in the room of minimal square meters, in the basement of an apartment building on Papanastasiou Street in Larissa.

The owner of a nearby store arrived at the scene first to check the source of the stench. As soon as he entered the basement he saw the woman wrapped in a blanket and then he notified the police.

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Police forces went to the scene where, according to the first results of the forensic examination, the woman allegedly has a head injury.

This morning, officers from the Department of Criminal Investigations and Larissa Security arrived at the scene of the crime. From the Police investigation, according to the information so far, it appears that the main suspect is her partner – a Pakistani national – who disappeared and is now being sought.

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