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Παρασκευή, 28 Μαρτίου, 2025

Imran Khan led PTI slammed for accepting donations from poor people of Pakistan

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Pakistani journalist blamed the former Prime Minister Imran Khan for taking money from the poor people of the country so that he can continue to live a luxurious life even after being ousted from the top position.

This comes after Imran Khan’s appeal to the overseas Pakistani to donate money to his party in order to topple the “foreign-backed” government of Shehbaz Sharif.

Taking to Twitter, the founder and editor of The Pakistan Daily outlet, Hamza Azhar Salam, wrote, “PTI MNA @Shafqat_Mahmood collects money from the poor people of Pakistan so his leader @ImranKhanPTI can continue flying in luxurious private jets after losing power. True revolutionaries only fly private.”

This is in context with a photo shared by a PTI Minister, Shafqat Mahmood who is seen taking money from staff at his friend’s house.

Sharing the photo, the PTI MNA tweeted, “Went to a friend’s house yesterday. To my surprise and great joy their staff came up and contributed Rs 500 and 100 to PTI for the Lahore jalsa. I thanked them with a proper receipt. This is a reflection of spontaneous support Imran Khan and PTI have among the people.”

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Ironically, Khan has asked overseas Pakistanis to donate to a party that is blaming America for overthrowing his government in Pakistan.

Earlier, in a Twitter video, he informed the overseas Pakistanis about the namanzoor.com website which is collecting donations from them to topple the government of Shehbaz Sharif and hold new elections.

He termed the campaign “Haqiqi-Azadi” and said that the “corrupt government” was forced upon the 22 crore population of Pakistan.

Khan said that it was the right of Pakistan’s citizens to decide on who would rule their country – either the PTI party or the “corrupt Sharif family” who had been jail for three years and who are fighting corruption charges.

The former Pakistan PM also lambasted the US for conspiring with Shehbaz Sharif whose government was imposed on the Pakistani people through a “foreign conspiracy.”

Khan alleged that with the help of the US, a corrupt government has overtaken Pakistan and therefore he wants the country to hold fresh elections where Pakistani citizens can decide on their future.

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