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Τρίτη, Ιανουάριος 14, 2025

Future of Pakistan appears bleak with multi-dimensional wave of insurgency in Balochistan

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Surging attacks by deeply determined Baloch insurgents have aggravated the threat to the national integration of Pakistan as a multi-dimensional wave of insurgency in Balochistan has kept this largest province of Pakistan on the boil.

The local resentments, political, economic, and political power games combined with the prevailing security conditions depict serious repercussions on the governance, national security, integration and society of Pakistan and the future appears bleak.

Baloch militancy is on the upswing and which may lead to a terminal conflict and yet another division of Pakistan.As per statistics released by the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies, April 2022 saw a 24 per cent increase in militant attacks as compared to the month before.The frequency of attacks in March was twice that in February, indicating a rapidly worsening security scenario.

In the third attack since the suicide bombing on April 26 at Karachi University against the Chinese teachers, one person was killed and 11 others including a police officer were injured in a motorbike-borne IED explosion on May 16 in Boulton market, Kharadar area of Karachi.

One police pick-up van which was the actual target of the blast was also damaged.
Prior to that two persons were killed and 13 others injured in a motorbike-borne IED explosion on May 12 on Maripur Road, Saddar locality in Karachi. Passing a Pakistan Coast Guard vehicle was the target.
The insurgency in Balochistan is on the rise since cases of torture and killings of political activists and students led many Baloch youths to take up arms.

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