16.5 C
Παρασκευή, 21 Μαρτίου, 2025

Exercise Iniochos: IAF Sukhoi Su-30 MKIs To Participate In Air Exercise In Greece-The defense cooperation between India and Greece is strengthening

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Exercise INIOCHOS-23, a multinational air exercise hosted by the Hellenic Air Force of Greece, will see the participation of Indian Air Force (IAF). The exercise will take place at the Andravida Air Base in Greece from April 24 to May 4, 2023. The Indian Air Force will take part with two C-17 and four Sukhoi Su-30 MKI aircraft.

The exercise’s goal is to improve air force participation’s global coordination, synergy, and interoperability. The exercise will be conducted using a variety of air and surface weapons in a realistic combat situation. Additionally, it will allow the participating contingents to communicate professionally, allowing them to learn from one another’s best practices.

It is a multinational air exercise hosted by the air force of Greece at the Andravida Air base. This exercise will involve realistic combat scenarios involving many assets of both the air forces.

Both countries will fly each other’s aircraft and will share skills as well as combat techniques which would be beneficial for both countries. The Greek led exercise also involves participation from NATO countries. Apart from the hosts Greece, the air forces of USA, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia will also take part in Exercise INIOCHOS-23.

The Saudi air force will display its American made Boeing F-15 Eagle fighter jets, the Greeks will bring their F-16s and this will give the IAF opportunity to practice and get to know in depth about American made fighter jets which are also a part of the India’s arch rivals, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF).

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This will not only be a learning for the IAF but also for the NATO air forces. They will get a chance to test their fighters against India’s Russian made Sukhoi-Su 30 MKI fighters. The F-16 used by the Greek Air Force is slightly advanced and better than aircraft used by the PAF (Pakistan Air Force).

About the Sukhoi Su-30 MKI aircraft
It is a twin-engine, twin-seat fighter aircraft of the IAF. It is one of the most advanced aircraft with the IAF, it is also capable of carrying and dropping nuclear attacks on the designated target. Its top speed is 2,120 km/hr and has a range of 3000 km. It weighs 18,400 kgs and uses Saturn AL-31 engine.

It is manufactured by HAL and Sukhoi. India signed a deal with Russia in 2000 to manufacture and acquire these jets. It is a heavy, all weather long range fighter aircraft capable of working and operating in any conditions around the world. It is the backbone of the IAF and has aircraft like Rafale supporting it in any combat operations.

About the Iniochos 23 exercise:

The defense cooperation between India and Greece is strengthening, as both countries aim to improve their joint operational capability. As a part of the annual Greek exercise Iniochos 23, the Indian Air Force will dispatch five Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets to participate in the training exercises.

These fighter jets will perform complex missions alongside the air forces of Greece and the Mediterranean, with the aim of enhancing their operational skills.
During the joint training exercise between the Indian and Greek Air Forces, Greece will utilize its F-16 and Rafale fighter jets, which are the core of its Air Force, to provide support to the land and sea forces that will be participating in the exercise.

Iniochos 23 is an annual Greek study. It includes live flying. During these flights, the participating aircraft go through the full range of missions in complex operational and congested environments. These flights include a countermeasure against a ground-based air defense system, through its identification and conditional engagement. Indian and Greek pilots are also expected to jointly attack enemy ground positions accompanied by effective combat search and rescue. For years, this Greek teaching has been one of the most attractive in Europe and the Balkans.

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