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Παρασκευή, 18 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Drug trafficking and Terrorism a Double Whammy for Pakistan

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The raveled dynamics between drug trafficking and terrorism in Pakistan portrays a composite challenge that eclipses borders, threatens socio-economic relationship, and jeopardizes regional security. Pakistan border lies along with one of the world’s largest producers of heroin and opium i.e. Afghanistan. Pakistan’s soil is used as a significant haulage for drug trafficking , along with encapsulation of the threat constituted by terrorist organizations. 

It is important to understand the complex entanglement between the drug trafficking and terrorism in Pakistan. This is necessary to strategies the combat method to fight against it. Drug trafficking and terrorism both are connected to each other and entrenched in the society of Pakistan. The roots of this connection are  found in the 1980 war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.  Afghanistan Mujahideen engaged in fighting with Soviets were assisted by Pakistan backed United States. During this time in order to fund the war opium cultivation was promoted in an escalating manner and there were no checks and balances. These were mostly controlled by resistance groups like the Taliban and the drugs became the main source of financial assistance to run their organization. 

In 1989, Soviets troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan, but pakistan remained there and still acting as the hub for the supply of drugs. After the war Taliban took control over the opium producing areas and dominated Afghanistan. It increased the supply and expanded its narco trade. This complex engagement of drugs and Taliban established the ground for the Nexus of terrorism and drugs. Nowadays, this Nexus of terrorism, drugs and money laundering in Pakistan has held its roots and incorporated other states and non-state actors. Terrorist organizations such as Taliban and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan are flourishing economically from drug trade and funding the terrorist activities against the state. 

The Taliban is leving tax on opium cultivation and is held responsible for the protection of smuggler. On the similar line tehrik-e -Taliban has also been involved into drug trafficking and money laundering to fund its terrorist activities and  complicating security challenges in pakistan. 

The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is diluted, providing large scope for the collaboration among terrorist organizations and drug traffickers to lute the business of narcotics and reap the economic benefits. The challenge for agencies in forcing law has increased and put them into difficult situations after the coming together of drug traficals and terrorist groups. This has become a very difficult task to bring down the criminal networks and stop the flow of interstate drugs supply. The continuous supply of money into the pockets of truck tropical and terrorist further complicates the situation for the law and enforcement agencies to disrupt the organized and well armed groups of narcos and terrorists. It is the need of our for the state to come up with some new and comprehensive approach to address the security problem and maintain the socio-economic balance.

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The United States and European Union have taken Pakistan into consideration for its association with terrorist organizations and drug trafficking. Pakistan faces serious warning from the United States of America to immediately revoke its alliance with drugs and terrorism otherwise Pakistan will no longer be able to enjoy the financial assistance provided by the USA.

Despite all these warnings Pakistan is still not complying with the international convention on drugs trafficking. There is a need for a strategic approach to curb the nexus between the terrorist organizations and narco traffickers in pakistan. Now it is required to attack on both the fronts i.e. supply and demand sides and also address the drivers of terrorism present in society. Robusting the law enforcement agencies in Pakistan to fight against the drug distributor and terrorist has become very important. Infrastructure that provides a substance to illegal activities of drug transportation and supporting terrorist activities should be dismantled. Illegal movement of drugs is checked through intelligence agencies, conducting raids, and enhanced border security checks between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Connection should also be shattered among the financial networks that assist the illegal activities. To attain the long term success in the prevention of drug transhipment and terrorism social and economic causes are required to address. This can be achieved through enhancing the education level of society, improving healthcare facilities, providing infrastructure to poor sections of society, presenting an alternative to the people that are involved at the lower level in drug trafficking and most importantly prioritizing social inclusion.

Pakistan should increase cooperation among its neighboring countries, particularly Afghanistan to dismantle the network of drug trafficking.

International cooperation is mandatory to address the cross border drug trafficking and terrorist activities. Above all International corporation is the necessary component to address the cross border terrorism and drug transportation. Moreover Pakistan must cooperate with international players such as the United States of America, European Union and India to combat narco traffickers and terrorists. Drug trafficking and terrorism in Pakistan are entangled with each other in such a way that it requires a coordinated and comprehensive strategy to restrain it.

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