20.8 C
Κυριακή, 13 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Dr Zakir Naik upset with PIA for denying free baggage, praises India instead

Περισσότερα Νέα

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While talking to the public in Karachi, Dr Zakir Naik shared an incident related to excess luggage fees while traveling via PIA, contrasting his experience with the treatment he receives in India.

He voiced his dissatisfaction after being offered only a 50% discount for 500-600 kg of extra baggage, despite being a state guest, and revealed that he had been in contact with PIA’s CEO.

“I was coming to Pakistan. Our luggage was 1,000kg. I spoke to the PIA CEO. The station manager told me that he would do anything for me. I replied, ‘I have 500 kg to 600 kg extra luggage.’ He offered me a 50% discount. I told him, ‘I will bring four more people, as it will get cheaper. I asked him to give it for free or leave it.'”

He explained that he expected his additional luggage to be cleared without charge, as is common for him in India. He expressed disappointment at being offered only a 50% discount for 500-600 kg of extra baggage, despite his status as a state guest.

“I rejected the offer. Any non-Muslim, when they see me, lets me off for free in India. This is India; they waive 1,000kg to 2,000kg when they see Dr Zakir Naik. This is Pakistan. I am a guest of the government, and ‘state guest’ is written on my visa. Yet, your CEO is offering me a 50% discount.”

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Zakir Naik’s comments have ignited a debate online, with some defending him and calling for greater respect towards state guests, while others criticized his expectations and remarks.

Zakir Naik arrived in Pakistan on September 30 for a month-long lecture tour in major cities, including Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore. This marks his first visit to the country in 30 years, with his previous visit occurring in 1992.

Originally from India, Zakir Naik now resides in Malaysia due to legal issues in India, which has sought his extradition in several cases.

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