13 C
Σάββατο, 22 Μαρτίου, 2025

Difficult for Shehbaz Sharif to provide stable govt in Pak: expert

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Foreign affairs expert Sushant Sareen on Sunday said Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) president Shehbaz Sharif will face a difficult time while running the new coalition government in Pakistan and is likely not to complete the term.

“It is difficult, he might be able to give stability for a few months. The way the alliance got together has many reasons and the main point was the removal of Imran Khan as PM, electoral reform and change the laws made during Imran Khan’s tenure,” Sareen told ANI here. The expert believes that due to a dozen of multi-party coalitions and the country’s economic problems, Shehbaz after a few months might hand over to a caretaker government and then go for elections.

“National Assembly term is valid till next august and I don’t think it will be able to work as 12 parties are in coalition. The total tally is also marginal. I think after a few months they will go to the polls and hand over reigns to the caretaker government. Another reason is the financial problems of Pakistan, which are terrifying and if they take any decision then it is clear that the coalition will lose elections. He will take minor political and administrative decisions,” he added.

Reacting to Imran Khan’s government collapse late night, Sareen said the former cricketer made the no-confidence motion look like a conspiracy.“Moral and constitutional technique was to go for voting. Imran claimed that he will fight till the last but he didn’t even come. He used all techniques to avoid no confidence. Imran claim everything was a conspiracy as he came to power in a conspiracy. What happened to him was politics. When Supreme Court gave judgement, even then he kept throwing tantrums. No confidence is done in most countries but the way Imran took it appeared to be a crisis,” Sushant further clarified.

The opposition parties have nominated Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) as their joint candidate for the country’s Prime Minister’s election, scheduled on Monday, local media reported.The National Assembly will elect a new prime minister of Pakistan on Monday after Imran Khan was ousted through a no-confidence motion. PML-N have collected more than one nomination paper for the election from the NA secretariat, ARY News reported citing sources. The member parties of the joint opposition will also submit nomination papers for Shehbaz Sharif.

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