22.2 C
Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Chinese President Xi’s policies signals ‘dangerous’, says former Japan general

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ‘incoherent’ policies are dangerous and his Cabinet is filled with his subordinates, a former Japanese general said, according to Nikkei Asia.

Reacting to China’s recent policies, Japan’s former General Koichi Isobe said, “China’s recent policies are quite incoherent. Under the new leadership filled with Xi’s subordinates, it is questionable if there is robust discussion and that all options are considered. Does Xi listen to a wide range of policy proposals and make the final call? If such a mechanism is lacking, then it is dangerous.”

Isobe is a retired General, who was associated with formulating Japan’s National Defense Program Guidelines, the road map for future defence capabilities.

He also said during the Chinese Communist Party’s One-party rule, they never admitted the fact that Xi was wrong, according to Nikkei Asia.

He also suggested that the West had to send out a constant and stern message to China. “Xi must understand that if he were to lay his hand on the Taiwan Strait, the West will take action without hesitation. There has to be deterrence,” he added.

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“There has to be deterrence, as appeasement will not work”, he said, adding that China will take advantage of any sign of weakness.

On the classified documents found at US President Joe Biden’s house, he said, “If the administration is consumed by dealing with this problem and stops making decisions on foreign policy, then China will sell the narrative that the US is not functioning as a country. Xi might jump on the opportunity and do something”, as per the Nikkei Asia report.

“Therefore, Japan is in an extremely important position. As America’s closest ally and as this year’s president of the Group of Seven, it should continue to send strong messages to keep China in check and bring the Europeans on board,” he added.

Meanwhile, reacting to the new defence documents that the Japanese government released, Isobe said he was stunned, adding that Japan needs to fundamentally reinforce its defence capabilities “with a focus on opponent capabilities and new ways of warfare.”

“In the 35 years that I was with the Ground Self-Defense Force, I have never seen such an important and significant shift in stance,” Nikkei Asia quoted him as saying. 

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