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Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

China Installs 3 Mobile Towers Near Indian Territory, Ladakh Councillor Raises Concern

Περισσότερα Νέα

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“After completing the bridge over Pangong Tso lake, China installed 3 mobile towers near China’s hot spring near Ladakh,” village councillor alerted on Saturday

Apprehending the possibility of China infiltrating Indian territory as it did in the past, Konchok Stanzin, Councillor of Chushul village in Leh district raised alarms stating Beijing has installed three mobile towers, situated ‘very close to the Indian territory’. Sharing images of the Chinese mobile tower in the Ladakh region, the legislator flagged the absence of a 4G network amid habitation in the Union Territory.

China installs 3 mobile towers near India’s Ladakh

“After completing the bridge over Pangong Tso lake, China has installed 3 mobile towers near China’s hot spring very close to the Indian territory. Isn’t it a concern? We don’t even have 4G facilities in human habitation villages,” the Councillor shared on Twitter.

“11 villages in my constituency have no 4G facilities,” he added.

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Village Councillor suspects Chinese mobile towers ‘to observe’ India

What appeared to be a territorial encroachment complaint turned out to be a complaint in relation to the lack of infrastructure in the region.

“I am raising my voice for my people, China has increased the pace of their infrastructure recently they have launched a bridge on Pangong and now recently they have built three towers in a hot spring which can be used for drones. To observe our territory or for communication,” Konchok Stanzin said.

“I want to appeal to the government that we need to counterattack China. More infrastructure should be built as China tried to settle the civilians first and then handover it over to forces. We should take this seriously. Maximum border villages do not have 4G internet, we are behind in communication,” he added.

China attempted to hack power grid system In Ladakh ‘twice’: Power Min RK Singh

On April 7 and in a shocking claim, Union Power Min RK Singh underlined two attempts were made by state-backed Chinese hackers who aimed to target electricity distribution grid centres near Ladakh but were not successful. Combatting the modern age espionage campaign led by the Xi Jinping-led administration, RK Singh stated the Centre bolstered the defence system to counter and prevent such cyber attacks.

Two attempts were made by Chinese hackers to target electricity distribution centres near Ladakh but were not successful. We have already strengthened our defence system to counter such cyber attacks,” the Minister told news agency ANI.

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