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Κυριακή, 29 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

China In Clear Disregard For Tibet’s Autonomy Waging Dangerous Assault On Human Rights: US

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The Chinese Communist government in blatant disregard for Tibet’s autonomy has committed a “dangerous” assault on human rights in the region for decades, said US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Addressing the 8th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet, she said Beijing also does not consider Tibet’s culture, identity, or faith. She added the forum is a platform to voice discontent against the human rights abuses perpetrated by Beijing.

“For decades, the Chinese government has waged a dangerous assault on human rights in Tibet, clearly showing that it has no regard for Tibetan autonomy, identity or faith,” Nancy Pelosi said.

She stressed, “this forum is crucial, bringing together leaders from all over the world to advance real autonomy for Tibet.”

Pelosi called on the participants to perform their “moral duties” by speaking out against China’s growing atrocities against Tibetans in the Autonomous Region. “If we do not speak out…against China because of commercial ties, we lose all moral authority to speak out against human rights anywhere,” Pelosi said. She also added that the convention is a commitment to the Tibetan people.

Just for context, the 8th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet is a joint platform where more than 100 participants from 26 countries, including Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, come together to share mutual concerns over human rights violations and religious separation in Tibet. It is being held in Washington DC for two days beginning June 22. “By holding the 8th WPCT in the United States, a country with fundamental values of democracy and equality, we honour the important role played by the United States Congress in formulating policy initiatives on Tibet, including institutionalizing support through several legislations,” an official release read.

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Human Rights abuse in Tibet

The Beijing government has imposed paramount control over the Tibet Autonomous Region, comprising ethnic Tibetan and Chinese civilians. The area includes prefectures and counties like Sichuan, Qinghai, Yunnan, and Gansu. The local jurisdiction of the region is under management by security forces led by the State Security Ministry. According to the US State Department, the members of the security forces have committed numerous abuses in the region, including significant torture, an inhumane crackdown on dissidents, political detentions, and arbitrary arrests that all amount to major human rights violations.

The TAR also faces serious restrictions on fundamental rights: for example, Tibetans are not allowed a defence representative, unlike Chinese civilians, in case they are arrested. There is also a threat to right to speech, freedom of media, and substantial interference in the rights to peaceful protests. In addition, the lack of fair trial, and cruel and degrading treatment of Tibetan detainees have also led the US to accuse China of committing human rights violations in TAR. An EU report titled ‘Report on Human Rights And Democracy in the World’ documented the unraveling atrocities and the campaign of “De-Tibetanisation” that CCP has launched in the Himalayan country. Beijing has forced Tibet to adopt Mandarin as the medium of education and official work, besides denying higher education to followers of the Dalai Lama.

However, China has repeatedly denied such accusations slapped by human rights watchdogs and the US, alleging Washington of interfering in their internal affairs.

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