16.1 C
Κυριακή, 23 Μαρτίου, 2025

China attempts to intimidate Taiwan by import ban and military intrusions

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In a quest to gain control over Taiwan and suppress the island nation under its authoritative regime, China has decided to attack the country’s economy by banning the import of fish and pineapples continuing its military bullying tactics.

According to Hong Kong Post, China’s PLA air force sent two dozen aircraft into Taiwan’s air space, according to social media announcements by the Taiwanese Defense Ministry in Taipei out of which twenty-nine aircraft of nine different kinds participated in the drills, which included 17 fighter jets, 6 bomber planes, and an anti-submarine aircraft.

The 29 aircraft that Taipei identified were Yun-9 communication countermeasure aircraft 1 sortie; Yun-8 reconnaissance aircraft 1 sortie; H-6 aircraft 6 sorties; One Y-20 Aerial Refueling craft; Air Police-500 aircraft 2 sorties; Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft 1 sortie; J-16 8 sorties; Sukai-30 aircraft 4 sorties; J-11 5 sorties.

However, the Chinese sorties withdrew soon after Taiwan dispatched “air patrol forces to respond, broadcast expulsion, and monitor anti-aircraft missiles” while issuing radio warnings at the same time.

On May 30, the Defence Ministry in Taipei announced an intrusion by 32 Chinese aircraft on May 30 claiming it to be the third illegal intrusion by multiple Chinese aircraft into Taiwanese air space this year, the Hong Kong Post reported.

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Showcasing its support to Taiwan, the US State Department said, “We urge Beijing to cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure, and intimidation against Taiwan. We have an abiding interest in peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. We will continue to assist Taiwan in maintaining a sufficient self-defence capability,” stating further that the US is committed to Taiwan in every possible way and will continue to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region.”

Following the ban on Taiwanese pineapples from entering the mainland, China has now also gripped Taiwan on the economic front by banning all imports of the famous Grouper fish from Taiwan.

Hundreds of Taiwanese fishermen who depend on the export of this fish which is declared a national delicacy in both countries have gone bankrupt.

It had previously restricted the island’s access to China’s vast consumer market, also banning Taiwanese wax apples saying the fruits brought in pests.

Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture is thinking of complaining about the Grouper ban to the World Trade Organization as the farmers cannot thrive without access to the Chinese market because both the products – fresh fruits and fresh fish – are highly perishable and need to be dispatched in no time after harvesting them.

“The government had reached out to their Chinese counterparts to discuss the inspection process but had not heard back. China’s General Administration of Customs did not respond to an emailed request for comment,” Lin Kuo-ping, the deputy director-general of the official Fisheries Agency, said in a statement.

In fact, Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA) Chief Chen Chi-Chung has raised the issue previously that China has violated the international trade rule with their decision of suspending the imports of grouper fish from his country.

China’s General Administration of Customs on Friday without giving any prior notice announced that it would suspend the grouper fish imports from June 13, citing several findings that stated that prohibited chemicals and excessive levels of Oxytetracycline been used in the grouper fish imports since last December.

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