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Τρίτη, 5 Νοεμβρίου, 2024

China accused of infiltrating US defence system with ‘ticking time bomb’ malware

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The US officials are currently searching for Chinese malware hidden within the country’s defence systems, which could potentially disrupt military communications and resupply operations, The New York Times reported. The report says that the top concern remains that this malicious code has been concealed by Beijing in networks controlling Washington’s critical infrastructures, like power grids, communications systems, and water supplies that are vital for military bases. 

There are worries that in the event of a conflict, hackers could exploit this malware to interfere with US military operations. The ongoing tensions between the two nations, particularly regarding Taiwan and China’s assertive actions to expand its maritime boundaries in the Indo-Pacific, have raised further alarm over these cybersecurity threats.

Malware could be a ‘ticking time bomb’

This purported discovery has led to growing apprehension among officials, as the malware could act as a “ticking time bomb” that would enable China to hinder deployments and resupply efforts in the event of a conventional conflict. 

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Due to the shared infrastructure between military bases and civilian homes and businesses, other Americans could also be affected if such disruptions occur.

US-China tensions: Recent instances aggravate concerns

The reported hacking incidents and breaches by China-based hackers have been a matter of concern in recent times in and beyond Washington’s power corridors.

For instance, the email account of the US Ambassador to China was hacked, and China-based hackers breached email accounts at various organisations, including the US federal agencies like the State Department and the Department of Commerce. 

This has further underlined the sophistication of the hacking teams and the gravity of the cybersecurity challenges posed by China.

The FBI has consistently identified China as the most advanced among US adversaries in cyberspace, making cybersecurity a significant source of bilateral tension between the two nations. 

During a meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and China’s top diplomat Wang Yi in Indonesia, the hacking incidents were raised as a concern. 

US officials have said that any action targeting the US government, companies, or American citizens is a serious matter that will be met with appropriate action and accountability.

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