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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024


English Edition

Pakistan’s security apparatus in total fiasco, lawlessness grips country

Pakistan’s security apparatus is a total fiasco as it is marred with apathy towards vulnerable communities, hatred for minorities, discrimination based on region and...

Pakistan’s ‘benefactors’ uninterested in rescuing country from economic turmoil

Pakistan’s “friend and benefactor” China is showing half-heartedness in rescuing the country from a severe economic situation and amid this dire situation, the anger...

Chinese Role in the Sri Lankan Crisis

In the midst of the unfolding crisis in Sri Lanka and its economic and political collapse, it has been forgotten that China is complicit...

Five Chinese companies give key support to Russia’s military: US

Five Chinese companies are providing ongoing support to Russia’s military despite the United States and its partners banning such backing due to Moscow’s actions...

Befooling FATF Pakistan’s Way, A High Time to Unbare

A recent report from British Daily, the Guardian titled “Pak usded Lashkar Terrorist Sajid Mir to fool FATF” has unraveled how Islamabad misled the...

USA: The House of Representatives passed bill that bans F-16 sales & upgrade to Turkey

In the midst of ongoing Turkish provocations, an important development is coming from the US, putting a brake on the sale of advanced weapons...

Police remove two Chinese defence attaches from Pacific Islands Forum meeting

Two Chinese defence attaches have been kicked out by Fijian police from a Pacific Islands Forum meeting at which the US vice-president, Kamala Harris,...

Chinese intrusions in Senkaku islands aim to provoke Japan

Constant Chinese intrusions on the Senkaku islands in the East China Sea are provoking Japan over Beijing’s rising aspirations of making gains over Tokyo’s...

US Congress introduces bill to resolve China’s decades-long occupation of Tibet

A bill introduced in Congress today will take concrete action to resolve China’s decades-long illegal occupation of Tibet by fully recognizing Tibet’s unresolved status...

China’s new radar system could have military purpose: Report

The “world’s most far-reaching radar” in the southwestern region of China could also have a military purpose, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported citing an...

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