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Σάββατο, 29 Ιουνίου, 2024


English Edition

Pakistan: Man held for torturing two minors to marry their seven-year-old sister!

A Pakistani man, who tortured two minor boys, was arrested after one of the children succumbed to his injuries. Lahore Police said that the...

China a mute spectator as Sri Lanka’s political upheaval poses long-term implications for Beijing

As the Sri Lankan political crisis continues to rage, China has not made any comments and this has made it evident that the ouster...

Xi Jinping says that Islam in Beijing must be Chinese in orientation! –

Highlighting that religions in the country should adapt to the socialist society being pursued by the ruling Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping...

China’s Economic Growth Shrinks 2.6% Amid COVID-19 Shutdowns

China’s economy contracted in the three months ending in June compared with the previous quarter after Shanghai and other cities shut down to fight...

Pakistan Shocker: Husband Flees With 3 Kids After Boiling Wife’s Corpse In School Kitchen

In a horrific incident from Pakistan, a mother of six was brutally murdered and boiled in a pot by her husband in the kitchen...

U.S. approves possible sale of military assistance to Taiwan

The U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of military technical assistance to Taiwan worth an estimated $108 million, the Pentagon said Friday. China...

The CCP continues to interfere in US elections

Following the U.S. State Department’s offer of a $ 10 million reward for foreign information election interferenceXiong Yan, who is currently running for Congress...

US House approves CAATSA waiver for India over S-400 deal with Russia

The US House of Representatives has passed by voice vote a legislative amendment seeking to exempt India from a law that sanctions nations for...

“I think we are not speaking enough about Pakistan” says EU Ambassador to Afghanistan during EFSAS Conference in EU Parliament

14-07-2022, European Parliament, Brussels: In recognition of the importance of a comprehensive and coherent European response to the situation in Afghanistan and the ramifications...

US Must Battle Extremism With Public Diplomacy In ‘nuclear-armed’ Pakistan, Say Lawmakers

US lawmakers on Wednesday asserted that Washignton must battle extremism with public diplomacy in Pakistan. Speaking at an interview with Voice of America (VOA),...

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