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Παρασκευή, 14 Μαρτίου, 2025

Breaking – Tiraspol demands recognition of Transnistria’s independence in response to Moldova’s EU bid

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The separatist authorities in Tiraspol announced on Friday, in a press release, that they do not agree with Moldova’s request to join the EU and demanded the recognition of Transnistria’s independence. The so-called Foreign Ministry in Tiraspol said it was unhappy that the Transnistrian side had not been consulted and called on Chisinau to dialogue “for a civilized divorce and the establishment of inter-state relations.”

The Transnistrian authorities have applied to the UN, the OSCE and other international organizations for recognition of Transnistria’s independence.

The full statement of the so-called Tiraspol Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

We consider the submission by the leadership of the Republic of Moldova of an application for accession to the European Union as a geopolitical decision leading to a change in international borders and spheres of influence in the regional space and a radical change in the circumstances of the final settlement of Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations.

We treat the decision of the leadership of the neighboring republic with understanding.

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Meanwhile, Moldova’s application for EU membership in the context of a long-running unresolved conflict between Pridnestrovie and Moldova, without taking into account the opinion and outside the framework of consultations with the Pridnestrovian side, while completely ignoring the discussion This issue in existing negotiating formats, including the international platform of the “Standing Conference”, puts an end to the settlement process, which requires urgent international legal formalization.

The decision of the Moldovan authorities means the willingness to transfer the sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova to the supranational bodies in Brussels and the transition to the final military-political and economic development of the territory of the Republic of Moldova by the West.

The request for EU membership indicates Moldova’s refusal to dialogue with Pridnestrovie on the parameters of common coexistence, as confirmed by the current state of crisis of the negotiation process, the paralysis of the “5 + 2” format, the rejection of high-level meetings, the non-fulfillment of the Berlin package. Plus “, the strengthening of the restrictive blockade measures against Transnistria.

We consider it necessary to emphasize that the people of Transnistria determined their fate in a civilized and democratic way on September 2, 1990, stopped the military aggression of Moldova in 1991-1992, defended their freedom and independence, confirmed the inviolability of the course to the international. recognition of the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova Pridnestrovie in the national referendum of September 17, 2006.

In the current new circumstances, including those created by the actions of the Moldovan leadership, we call on the Moldovan side to initiate a dialogue with Pridnestrovie for a final civilized settlement of relations based on the peaceful, good neighborly existence of two independent states by signing a comprehensive interstate agreement.

At the same time, we call on the United Nations, the OSCE, the mediators and observers in the negotiation process, the international community as a whole to call for recognition of the reality that has existed for more than thirty years in the form of Transnistria. The Republic of Moldova, to ensure the observance of the Pridnestrovian people’s right to self-determination and to establish diplomatic relations with Pridnestrovie.

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