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Παρασκευή, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Big Tech in CPPCC: Baidu’s Robin Li, NetEase’s Ding Lei no longer delegates of China’s top political advisory body

Περισσότερα Νέα

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everal of China’s biggest names in technology have stepped down from their delegate roles in China’s top political advisory body, which announced its latest list of members on Wednesday.

Robin Li Yanhong, co-founder and CEO of internet search and artificial intelligence giant Baidu; William Ding Lei, founder and CEO of China’s second-largest video gaming firm by revenue NetEase; and Wang Xiaochuan, founder of the country’s second-largest search engine Sogou, are not among the 2,172 delegates of the 14th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

The CPPCC meets annually in Beijing in March to submit policy proposals and discuss topics regarding the nation’s most pressing political, economic and social issues. Along with the National People’s Congress (NPC) gathering, which takes place concurrently, the “two sessions” are considered the biggest event on the Chinese political calendar.

Ding Lei, founder and CEO of NetEase, attends the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen in October 2019. Photo: Reuters

Ding Lei, founder and CEO of NetEase, attends the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen in October 2019. Photo: Reuters

CPPCC delegate candidates are nominated by legally recognised minor political parties, associations and industry leaders; reviewed by authorities designated by the Chinese Communist Party; and voted on by the CPPCC’s standing committee, according to the body’s website.

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Delegates are elected on five-year terms, and there is no age or term limit, according to the official rules. Li, 54, completes his two terms this year, while Ding, 51, and Wang, 44, will both wrap up their first term.

Baidu, NetEase and Wang did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Wang quit his CEO position at Sogou in 2021 after the company was acquired by Tencent Holdings.

Wang Xiaochuan, founder of Sogou, poses for a photograph on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference in March 2017. Photo: Bloomberg

Wang Xiaochuan, founder of Sogou, poses for a photograph on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference in March 2017. Photo: Bloomberg

Zhou Hongyi, the 52-year-old founder and chairman of internet security firm 360 Security Technology formerly known as Qihoo 360, will stay for another term.

During their terms, the tech moguls submitted dozens of proposals.

Baidu’s Li, whose company is investing heavily on autonomous driving, suggested last year that road traffic laws be amended to help commercialise the technology. NetEase’s Ding proposed in the same year that China should standardise the charging ports of electronic devices to reduce waste.

Other tech executives who are active in politics include Pony Ma Huateng, founder and CEO of social media and video gaming giant Tencent, and Lei Jun, founder and CEO of smartphone maker Xiaomi, who are serving their second five-year term at the NPC.

The next NPC delegate list is expected to be announced in late February.


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