13.9 C
Παρασκευή, 14 Μαρτίου, 2025

Baloch American Congress Prez highlights cases of forced disappearances in Pakistan, urges global support

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In a recent statement shared on social media, Dr Tara Chand, President of the Baloch American Congress, has strongly condemned the ongoing forced disappearances of Baloch individuals in Pakistan.

On X, Dr Chand alleged that Pakistani military intelligence agencies are systematically abducting innocent Baloch youth, subjecting them to torture and indefinite detention in secret cells. The post read, “Pakistani military intelligence agencies are forcibly disappearing innocent Baloch youth in Balochistan on a daily basis. Thousands of these youths are reportedly enduring torture in the cells of intelligence agencies. Recently, Jawad Qambrani and Ibrar Qambrani, the brothers of Haseeba Qambrani have also been forcibly disappeared. This represents a grave injustice occurring in Balochistan. The world must support the Baloch people in their struggle against the oppression and cruelty of Pakistani intelligence forces and advocate for the rights of all those who have been forcibly disappeared.”

According to reports and a previous post by Dr Tara Chand, the two brothers of Haseeba Qambrani were forcibly abducted three years ago by Pakistan’s military intelligence agencies. After a shocking video surfaced, which drew attention to their plight, both brothers were eventually released. However, recent developments have brought even more distressing news. Haseeba’s third brother, Jawad Qambrani, along with his cousin Ibrar Qambrani, has now been kidnapped by the same military intelligence agencies in Sindh, Pakistan. Reports suggest that they have been taken to a secret torture cell, where Jawad is reportedly enduring severe abuse. This escalation in targeted abductions has raised further concerns about the ongoing human rights violations in Balochistan and beyond.

Forced disappearances in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan, have become a grave human rights concern. Military intelligence agencies are accused of systematically abducting innocent individuals, especially from the Baloch community, subjecting them to torture, and holding them in secret detention without due process. The practice, which often targets political activists, students, and human rights defenders, has drawn widespread condemnation both locally and internationally. Despite reports of such disappearances, many families are left in the dark about the whereabouts of their loved ones, leading to widespread fear and distress. The international community has repeatedly been urged to take stronger action in addressing these violations and advocating for the rights of the disappeared.

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