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Δευτέρα, 8 Ιουλίου, 2024

Anti-Pakistan protests from US to Japan to mark 26/11 anniversary

Περισσότερα Νέα

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To mark the 14th anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks, demonstrations were held from the United States to Japan to pay respects to the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks and demanded that the perpetrators of the carnage be brought to justice.

Indian Americans and other South Asian communities staged demonstrations across the US, including outside the Pakistan embassy in Washington condemning Pakistan for harbouring terror groups and called on the world powers to bring to justice the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks.

Demonstrations also took place in front of the Pakistan Consulate in Houston, Chicago and the Pakistan Community Centre in New Jersey. With posters and banners showcasing the brutality of the terror attacks, protestors called for action against Pakistan-sponsored Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists involved in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

Demonstrators held placards and chanted slogans against Pakistan. A few protesters were seen holding a banner that read, ‘Wounds may heal but the scars never fade.” LED vans were spotted at various prominent locations showing clips and pictures of victims of 26/11 and highlighting Pakistan’s role in nurturing terror groups.

Several people gathered in front of the Pakistan Embassy in Tokyo to hold protests calling for justice and paid tribute to 166 victims killed by Pakistan-supported terrorists. People called for justice and underscored that the key perpetrators, planners and masterminds of the cowardly and inhuman act continue to roam freely in Pakistan.

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The protesters called on Pakistani authorities to take action against Lashkar-e-Taiba head Hafiz Saeed. The protesters carried Indian flags and banners which showcased images of Hafiz Saeed and Hisashi Tsuda. The message on the banner read, “Hafiz Saeed Mastermind 26/11/2018 Mumbai attack.”

Calling for action against terrorists, people chanted slogans like “Bharat Mata ki Jai,” “We Want Justice” and “26/11 terrorists must be hanged.” Protesters also paid tribute to a Japanese citizen Hisashi Tsuda, who was one of the victims of a terrorist attack in Mumbai.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh’s civil societies, Islamic organizations, socio-cultural groups, student bodies, anti-terror forums and citizens from all walks of life condemned Pakistan for harbouring terrorism. KUET Sachetan Sikharthibrindo organised a protest demonstration at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology.

Holding banners and posters condemning Pakistan for inciting terrorism, students participated in the event. Demonstrations and candlelight marches were held in Satikira. The demonstrations were held under the banner of Pourasba peace club, Natyadal Satkira and VBD Satikira. Protesters criticised Pakistan for targeting innocent people and its continued support and assistance to enemies of peace.

A group of Indian Diaspora based in Belgium organized an event at Schuman roundabout in front of the European Commission in Brussels to commemorate the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks under the banner of ‘Solidarity Against Terrorism’ on Saturday.

Members of the Indian diaspora took part to pay tribute to the Mumbai terror attack victims and urged the international community to punish those responsible for the attack.

Meanwhile, The Global Human Rights Defence held a demonstration in front of the peace palace in Hague to commemorate the Mumbai terror attack on November 26, 2008, and raised voices against ‘ruthless terrorism’ and demanded justice from Pakistan, according to the press statement released by Global Human Rights Defence.

According to the statement, the protest started on Friday at noon and ended after 1.5 hours. Notably, 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists on November 26 arrived in Mumbai through sea. The terrorists opened fire, killing 166 people, including 18 security personnel, and over 300 people were injured during the three-day siege in Mumbai.

India is working with several countries whose citizens had lost their lives in the 2008 Mumbai Terror Attack, said External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, adding that it will make sure that real perpetrators do not escape.

“It’s an occasion where entire country remembers it. I want to underline how strongly we feel about it and determined we are to complete the process of justice,” Jaishankar told ANI on Saturday.

“Today is the anniversary of the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai. Even after so many years, the people who planned and oversaw it have not been punished. They have not been brought to justice. This is something which we give utmost importance to,” the External Affairs Minister added.

In 2008, 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists (LeT) carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks killing at least 166 people and leaving 300 wounded in Mumbai.

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