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Τετάρτη, 19 Μαρτίου, 2025

Another Chinese conspiracy against the Dalai Lama foiled, again

Περισσότερα Νέα

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For the last few days, Tibetans around the world were horribly distraught and pained by the gross media onslaught against their Supreme spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as the world almost watched in awe and disbelieve. None realized the truth that it was yet another vicious Chinese conspiracy to tarnish the impeccable image of the world’s most popular Peace Icon.

A reality check on the origin of this vicious onslaught against the Dalai Lama:

Within weeks of the Public event held at The Dalai Lama’s Main Temple Yard in Dharamshala on 28th February, where His Holiness met with 120 students and members of M3M Foundation, also participated by sizable media contingent, a maliciously edited and tempered video on His Holiness’s interaction with the Indian boy was circulated across China and Tibet by the Chinese cyber army, the netizens and the CCP stooges. According to Tibetans inside Tibet and China, this video was circulated widely in Chinese social media, fanned extensively by CCP Government agencies.

Dalai Lama's incarnation comments meant to offend China says Beijing official
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama waves to devotees outside the United Nations where the Human Rights Council is holding its 31st Session in Geneva, Switzerland, March 11, 2016 Reuters

For over a month, Chinese-sponsored cyber goons toiled rigorously inside Tibet and China to tarnish the image of Dalai Lama by indicting for ‘sexual misconduct’.

While this was going on in China and Tibet, a fake Twitter account in the name of ‘Yin Sun@NiSiv4’, a fake Youtube Account in the name of Robert Reed and a fake Facebook account in the name of ‘Deter Influencers from Child Abuse’ were opened on February 2023, 1st April and 9th April simultaneously.

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The first post (dated April 8th) in the fake Twitter account of ‘Yin Sun@NiSiv4’, was the upload of the video on His Holiness’s interaction with the Indian boy. Similarly the first and the only post on the fake Facebook account of ‘Deter Influencers from Child Abuse’ was also that video and the only post or video uploaded on the fake youtube channel of Robert Reed was the same truncated video. Meanwhile the fake Facebook account of ‘Deter Influencers from Child Abuse’ posted a petition titled, “Save kids from Dalai Lama — let’s stop child abuse” in the renowned public forum of Change.org on 7th April. The ‘sensational’ news was then fed to some of the popular Indian news media, launching the video as ‘viral’ without any verification and fact-checking.

Almost every other Indian media group joined this frenzied bandwagon in a massive and maddening cacophony, breaching every code of ethics for journalism.

Later on 10th April evening, ‘Yin Sun@NiSiv4’ boasted in his Twitter post that “the world decided after watching the video…I think most people will agree with me that his xxxx has weird customs…I ruined his reputation forever.” With this single tweet, the CCP agent -Yin Sun had revealed the fact that the entire scheme was sponsored, orchestrated and coordinated by the Chinese stooges for the bosses in Beijing. This Conspiracy was evidently aimed exclusively to damage the pristine reputation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The current vilification propaganda from China unfolded as yet another failed attempt to sacrilege the divine being of His Holiness.

For God’s Sake! It was just an affectionate Peck… a divine expression of love, warmth and concern

Anybody watching the entire event would acknowledge the fact that it was a spontaneous, open and natural moment of joy, blessing and positive energy between the visitors and the Dalai Lama. The event concluded peacefully and pleasantly with the delegates taking a group photo with His Holiness. The boy expressed great joy for having met and hugged His Holiness. He later told the RFA reporters that, “I really wanted to meet His Holiness, It was really good experience. It is inexplicable how blessed you feel when you get blessed by Him and especially able to hug Him. And I seeing Him this near is a blessing itself. He is very positive and he has a lot of positive energy. Overall, it’s a very good experience.”

Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama controversy Twitter

Following the unwarranted upheaval, the parents of the boy are stated to have written a letter to the office of Dalai Lama “assuring that their faith and respect for His Holiness remain intact”.

Yes, it is a sad reality that we are living in an era, where even parents are trolled and condemned for a caring kiss and a peck on their children. We cannot forget how Victoria and David Beckham as well as Bollywood actor Chhavi Mittal were ruthlessly trolled for exhibiting photos of kissing their children in a loving gesture. Unfortunately, Tibetan people are expressive in love and concern for their children and siblings. His Holiness is particularly known for His warm and caring greetings and for the pure divine presence. Millions of visitors can vouch for the warmth, love and sanctity His Holiness embodies.

Emphasizing the need for love and compassion, His Holiness often says that, “there is the critical period of brain development from the time of birth up to at least the age of three or four, during which time loving physical contact is the single most important factor for the normal growth of the child. If the child is not held, hugged, cuddled, or loved, its development will be impaired and its brain will not mature properly. Since a child cannot survive without the care of others, love is its most important nourishment. ..Nowadays, many children grow up in unhappy homes. If they do not receive proper affection, in later life they will rarely love their parents and, not infrequently, will find it hard to love others. This is very sad”.

Lo and Behold, now that the complete video clip of the event were out in the public domain, many prominent personalities have acknowledged their mistake and offered apologies for their trolls and criticism of His Holiness. Now that the mist has cleared and sanity returned, it’s time that the irresponsible Media houses undo the mess it has created in Haste and Apologize for the Blasphemous Onslaught on the character of His Holiness, and for Hurting the sentiments of millions of Tibetans, Buddhist followers and admirers of the Dalai Lama around the world.

While the world has the Dalai Lama, let’s cherish and Save Him from the Chinese Predators!! Tibetans have been wronged many occasions, let’s not allow another!

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