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Σάββατο, 29 Ιουνίου, 2024

Anger, Frustration ,Public outrage and Demonstrations in China

Περισσότερα Νέα

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A wave of anger and frustration has swept through the local Chinese population, highlighting their growing discontent with public authorities and law enforcement agencies. In two separate incidents within a month, citizens have taken to the streets to express their outrage. The most recent occurrence unfolded on June 13, 2023, in the Dong Xing area of Neijiang city, Sichuan, where an unconfirmed public protest erupted. Unconfirmed sources reported a public protest in Dong Xing, Neijiang city, Sichuan on June 13, 2023.

The protest stemmed from an egg seller being beaten by a team of six patrolling and urban management personnel. The incident sparked public outrage, leading to a large gathering of protesters from nearby areas. As the crowd became uncontrollable, the Neijiang Municipal Party Committee Secretary and the Director of Public Security were summoned to the protest site. Despite their attempts to persuade the protesters to disperse peacefully, they eventually handed over the six personnel to the police.

The arrested personnel faced further assault from the crowd while being taken to the detention center and were subsequently suspended from their duties.

Not long ago, another such case of assault by law enforcement officers was reported from Guizhou province. On May 23, 2023, a reporter surnamed Li, who worked with online news-portal Jimu News, was beaten by three police officers over his investigation into the deaths of two teachers,” as reported by multiple sources.

The incident occurred when Li traveled from Hubei province to Guizhou to continue his coverage on the teachers’ deaths, which were caused by a sudden discharge from a power station upstream, resulting in their drowning in a local river. The assault on Li by the police officers took place during the course of his investigation.

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Following the incident, the officers involved were suspended and detained by the authorities. The Bijie municipal government in Guizhou province issued a statement acknowledging the alleged assault on the reporter. However, the statement failed to alleviate concerns among the local population and instead sparked a rare and intense public debate about the hostile environment and severe restrictions faced by journalists in China.

The video capturing the attack quickly spread across social media platforms, garnering over 5 million views. Xu Jiangqiao, an editor for Jimu News, expressed strong support for Li in a widely circulated social media post, stating, “We stand firm to defend the rights of reporters and demand justice for Li.” This sentiment was echoed by many, with one Weibo user questioning the motives behind the police officers’ actions, stating, “Why did the police officers follow the reporter? Who gave the order? This is the key!” Another commenter emphasized the importance of supporting journalists who cover social news, stating, “We should support the reporter and not let reporters covering social news feel frightened and disappointed.”

Zhan Jiang, a retired professor from Beijing Foreign Studies University who closely monitors media issues in China, highlighted the escalating hostility faced by the media industry in recent years, citing increased censorship and violence against reporters. He described the current media environment as suffocating, noting that many investigative journalists, particularly those focusing on “hardcore” topics, have left the industry. Those who remain face substantial challenges in their reporting endeavors.

In 2020, a number of journalists were subjected to physical assault and prevented from carrying out their reporting duties in Henan province, located in central China. These journalists had traveled from Chengdu, Beijing, and Chongqing to investigate and report on the tragic deaths of several children, whose bodies were discovered buried at an illegal construction site.

In 2020, a number of journalists were subjected to physical assault and prevented from carrying out their reporting duties in Henan province, located in central China. These journalists had traveled from Chengdu, Beijing, and Chongqing to investigate and report on the tragic deaths of several children, whose bodies were discovered buried at an illegal construction site.

These incidents highlight the increasing control exerted by the Chinese government over the media, a trend that has been particularly evident since 2016. During this time, Chinese President Xi Jinping issued a directive, instructing Communist Party-controlled media outlets to align themselves with the party’s ideology on all major matters. In a highly publicized visit to various newsrooms, President Xi emphasized that all news reporting and commentary should adhere to the prescribed ‘right direction.’

The aforementioned events serve as a stark illustration of the Chinese government’s disregard for individual human rights, as well as their authorization of law enforcement personnel to suppress individuals who deviate from the Party’s sanctioned viewpoints.


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